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[World] Result - Monthly Event for July 2019

by Eco Generation | 09-08-2019 15:43 Comments 11 Comments

[World] Result - Monthly Event for July 2019


Dear Beloved Ambassadors, Members, and Visitors:

First of all, a big round of applause to everyone who participated in the monthly event for July! 
We appreciate all of your hard work and enjoyed reading every one of them. It was definitely a struggle having to pick only three winners for this event because every FAQ was fantastic!



We picked the winners based on these three criterias:


1) Entries should include BOTH questions and answers.


2) Entries should not be redundant to the ones already included in the FAQ page. If they are, they need to have more detailed information.


3) Entries should have detailed information, allowing the readers to understand the answers more clearly.



Now, we would like to announce the winner for monthly event for July 2019: Help Us Answer Our - Frequently Asked Questions.

The winners are...
Kushal Naharki 


Rosa Domingos


Dharmendra Kapri


Congratulations! Please check your email for more information on how to receive your prize.


Also, please check out the updated FAQ page. A lot of good tips on how to utilize this website at its very best is available there.
Once again, thank you very much for all your participation and we hope for your participation in the monthly event for August as well.



And please check out the FAQ page for the updated version!



Keep up the good work everyone :)





Eco Generation Team



k 3

  • k 3 says :
    Posted 19-12-2019 09:31

  • Harshdev Punera says :
    Congratulations to all winners.
    Posted 12-08-2019 06:19

  • Viraaj Kulshreshtha says :
    congratulation to all the winners
    Thanks team Eco generation to ensure our thinking hats on always
    Posted 12-08-2019 04:20

  • Mudy Mussa says :
    congratulation to the winners.... cheers
    Posted 11-08-2019 03:35

  • Dibya Bhatta says :
    congratulations dear ones!! keep inspiring!1 :)
    Posted 10-08-2019 18:46

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Thanks so much EcoGen and congratulations to Kushal and Rosa:)
    Posted 10-08-2019 01:42

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Glad to contribute to the monthly event.
    Green Cheers EcoGeneration
    Congratulations to Rosa and Dharmendra
    Posted 09-08-2019 16:25

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