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The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 22nd term

by Eco Generation | 22-08-2019 09:26 Comments 13 Comments

The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 22nd term

Dear Tunza Eco-generation Members,



As you may all know, August is the last month for the 22nd Eco-generation Ambassadors.


You must have read so many reports written by our active Ambassadors from all over the world over the past six months.


Though we're on the opposite side of the globe, we can vividly face the environmental news on the youth engagements, current issues and even the new environmental policies of their countries. Thanks to our Eco-generation Ambassadors, we can get to know more deeply about the environmental issues of other countries as if we're living in the neighborhood.



We would like to express our utmost gratitude for their passionate works for the past six months and want to give them a big round of applause.


To appreciate all their efforts, we would like to select the One Most Inspirational Ambassador on behalf of the whole 22nd Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors.


Please recommend us the most inspirational Ambassador among the 22nd Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors. You can submit the full name of the Ambassador and your reason of recommendation within 100 to 200 words in the Content Box.



Please Note:


-You can recommend only one of the 22nd Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors at once

-Multiple entries will gladly be accepted

-Self-recommendation is also acceptable

-Recommending previously selected inspirational ambassador is allowed

-References (like pictures, letters) are not required

-Reasons of recommendation should be concrete



To recommend, please click HERE.



Best Regards,

Eco-generation Team


  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Great opportunity!
    Posted 01-09-2019 16:27

  • Meena Pandey says :
    I have already recommended my favourite ambassador.
    Posted 01-09-2019 15:03

  • Harshdev Punera says :
    Thanks Eco Generation for the clarity.
    Posted 29-08-2019 06:55

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    thanks for the clarification Tunza
    Posted 28-08-2019 23:52

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Thank you Tunza for the clarity and opportunity!
    Posted 27-08-2019 14:36

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Harshdev Punera
    We've updated this part in this notice - thanks for pointing it out!

    Posted 27-08-2019 08:27

  • Rafa Mohammed Ashique says :
    Harshdev Punera, you can surely recommend ambassadors who were the winners in the past!!
    Posted 25-08-2019 20:07

  • Rafa Mohammed Ashique says :
    Thank you Ecogeneration for this amazing opportunity!!
    Posted 25-08-2019 18:45

  • Harshdev Punera says :
    By the way I have a small query, Are we suppose to recommend only those who have not been selected as a most inspirational in the past or we can recommend previous winners as well?
    Eco Generation could you plz clarify it for all of us. I have 3-4 names in my mind and some of them had been selected as inspirational ambassadors in the past.Thanks!
    Posted 23-08-2019 16:38

  • Harshdev Punera says :
    I have so many names in my mind. I'll definitely recommend all of them. May the best one win:)
    Posted 23-08-2019 16:33

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thanks for the this great opportunity Tunza EcoGeneration.
    Will surely recommend )
    Posted 23-08-2019 02:36

  • Dibya Bhatta says :
    Thank you Ecogeneration for this post.I have already recommended my favorite ambassador :)
    Posted 22-08-2019 10:40

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