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[World] Result - Monthly Event for August 2019

by Eco Generation | 18-09-2019 13:31 Comments 9 Comments

[World] Result - Monthly Event for August 2019

Dear all Eco-generation members,

As aforementioned, the topic of monthly event for August was, "International Youth Day 2019: Transforming Education." 
We asked our members to share their campaign or session they¡¯ve held this month of August where they taught another person or a group of people about the environment or introduced about TUNZA Eco Generation.
Out of the many wonderful submissions, some were chosen to be featured in our Special International Youth Day Newsletter and the writers had their chance to become our guest editors.
A big thank you to everyone who participated in this event! 
Would you be interested in finding out more of what our guest editors from all around the world thinks of this day?  

Then please check out their articles which is available in your email inbox now. 


  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Congratulations Kushal dai and every Eco Ambassador. Its really so inspiring to go through your reports. Keep writing

    Posted 21-09-2019 13:30

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you EcoGenration. I am glad that my article got selected too.
    Hope all the mebers checked their mail for the newsletter
    Green Cheers from Nepal
    Posted 21-09-2019 01:02

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