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[World]Announcement of the 30th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 21-02-2023 14:25 Comments 12 Comments


Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

It¡¯s this time of the year where we get to meet our new ambassadors! Yay! 🎉

Congratulation for those of you who get selected, and consolation for those of you who did not. Due to the limited number of position, we couldn¡¯t select all the qualified applicants. This time, 16 Ambassadors have been successfully extended their term, and 64 new Ambassadors have their chance to represent their countries and region!


Even if you have not been selected this time, don¡¯t be disappointed. By posting your reports and articles at the <World report> page or <Forums> you can raise your chances to get selected for the next recruitment. Leave your comments and suggestions on other members¡¯ reports since your comment encourage them to provide quality reports.

Please visit Ambassador¡¯s Program page to check the list!



Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    A guided journey on the path of creating a greener tomorrow! Thanks Tunza Ecogen for this opportunity and congrats to fellow Ambassadors.
    Posted 01-03-2023 03:57

Baraka E Urio

  • Baraka E Urio says :
    Thanks, ECO-GENERATION for selecting me as an ambassador from Tanzania, I promise to provide my best as I can so as to motivate environmental management around my region Kilimanjaro.
    Posted 28-02-2023 18:22

  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Congratulations guys. Finally, my ambassador journey ended. I am looking forward to contributing my eco journey. Thank you Tunza for this wonderful platform.
    Posted 27-02-2023 03:26

Elina  Haber

  • Elina Haber says :
    Congrats Tarek!! Finally, another Lebanese ambassador joined the Tunza family!! :D
    Posted 27-02-2023 02:58

Tuvimanyu  Gautam

Rohit Bisht

  • Rohit Bisht says :
    Congratulations to all selected ambassadors:)
    Posted 24-02-2023 12:28

  • Heidy Michell Albor Vargas says :
    Hi, thank you for the opportunity and congratulations to all!
    Looking forward to reading your reports 😊
    Posted 23-02-2023 23:09

  • Tanzeel Rashid says :
    Really excited to interact with fellow young leaders.
    Posted 23-02-2023 09:48

Sanuli Weihena Gamage

  • Sanuli Weihena Gamage says :
    Thanks ECO-GENERATION for selecting me as an ambassador. Congratulations to all ambassadors! Let's get together and work towards making a sustainable future for everyone....
    Posted 22-02-2023 20:31

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    Congratulations to anyone who have made it, though I am an extended ambassador but I've been considered as a new ambassador
    Posted 22-02-2023 19:45


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