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by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 18-06-2021 12:13 Comments 4 recommendations 0

online course on leadership and organizing

Date: 19 june to 29 june     Type: Online

Application opens for 12th Batch of Leadership and Organizing starting from 19th of June to 29th of June.
Apply to learn the traits of Leadership and Organizing from this 10 days workshop.
We designed this course to support the learning of those committed to improving their practice of leadership, organizing, and action. This practice can be learned only through experience that engages the heart, head, and hands. Our hands must learn new skills. Our heads must learn when, where, and why to use those skills. And our hearts must give us the courage, hope, and commitment to take the risks required to learn to use those skills effectively. Just like learning to ride a bicycle, we learn to keep our balance by trying, falling, and finding the courage to try again. You will learn concepts, see them modeled in action, put them into practice yourself, and reflect critically on your own practice: individually, with peers, and with your teaching fellow.
Your learning will grow largely out of your work on your organizing project. Designing an organizing project depends on answering three questions: whom do you hope to organize, what problems do hope to enable them to solve, and how can you enable them to use their resources to solve that problem? And the success of your project will depend on your mastery of the five leadership practices guiding this course: building relationships, developing narrative, devising strategy, taking action, and creating structure.
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Lhamu dolma Sherpa

  • Paras Kunwar says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 14-07-2021 16:02

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 19-06-2021 12:23

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