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by | 30-10-2015 05:13 Comments 2 recommendations 0

future of energy and Young people

Date: Althebiani to 29/10/2015     Type: Online

future of energy and Young people

Young people :

Young people are the safety and strength of the valve to the homelands they are several Nations and its wealth and its leaders and young people are the measure of the progress of nations, and the delay and standard advancement and its decline and are a source of breakthrough for the nation, build civilizations, and the industry hopes, Izz nations, and so they have enormous energies can not be described, and forgetfulness it is starting slow, and construction fragile, and industry obsolete, and the desired look is to discover the energies of young people, and then forwarded to the interest to do it and activation thoughtful, even being invested, and considered that this project Investment has guaranteed profits and develop community gatherings Youth, where they are to cooperate on the implementation of the activities are beneficial to certain segments, aid the poor and marginalized families and to collect material and moral support to create suitable for them as well as the environment young people are the future leaders strongly their opinions and maturity intellectual coupled with the energy and physical health sound, which push the wheel of development forward, Fbalalm live up and think, and produce, and contribute to the tender intellectual, to be opinion leaders influence the various segments

Energy :

Energy is one of the images exist, Falcon Created from the objects and energy since the theory of relativity of Einstein know mass-energy equivalence, The energy can be transformed into substance and vice versa material can be transformed into energy and we have seen a turning material into energy in the invention of the atomic bomb energy can take a variety of forms, including thermal energy, chemica l, electrical, radiological, nuclear, electromagnetic energy, and kinetic energy. These types of energy can be classified as being the kinetic energy or potential energy, while some can be a combination of potential and kinetic Taqtin, and in this study the dynamics Thermal

Energy saving :

Rationalization of energy consumption is the behavior leading to the reduction of the amount consumed of energy of all kinds, with the aim of preserving the environment and fuel economy expenses and raise the responsibility of individuals and communities towards the environment, and can access this goal through the efficient use of energy employing technology to achieve the same energy service consumption of energy less an example: the use of modern techniques in the heating or air conditioning that perform the same function as conventional

counterparts, using less energy is the amount of exercise energy conservation an important part in any plans and strategies And energy agencies, this practice is designed to reduce the amount of energy used per capita and thus reduce the growing increase in demand for energy in the future and the resulting increase in the census also reduce power generation costs through orientation towards the efficient use of energy and the use of clean energy resources can be achieved through the efficient use of energy where it is to reduce energy use while the same result is achieved, or over low consumption of energy services .

Youth and energy conservation :

Moderation in the use of resources Environmental, which is not ours alone it is for us and for our children and grandchildren, we must preserve it and pass down to them without drain or wasted or lost unnecessarily and tighten sanctions on abusers of the environment and non-renewable resources

The rational and efficient use of available resources and in the loading capacity and the degree of flexibility of environmental limits, those limits that can be expanded through appropriate measures on Ecology Research also requires continuity to make an intensive effort to survey, evaluate and exploit new natural resources and estimate how long it takes resources exploitation As well as an accurate means of continuity and development of production capacity unhindered even with dwindling resources, or in the face of risk or environmental fluctuations .

We hear every day, do not engage young people, and they do not care about in the world of energy, and nothing could be further from the truth Young people today have a strong moral values, they care about the future of energy and they want to make a difference effective in the future of energy to contribute and access to information is reliable and forums for participation and polarization in the energy debate so it is difficult for young people that discrimination should we believe, are often buried unbiased information that does not exist .



Student preparation : ALwaleed  Mohammed  Althebiani

Class : First Average / 6

School or medium : Om Alqora 

Saudi Arabia Jubail Industrial

  • recommend


  • says :

    Student preparation : ALwaleed Mohammed Althebiani

    Class : First Average / 6

    School or medium : Om Alqora

    Saudi Arabia Jubail Industrial

    Posted 30-10-2015 05:37

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