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by Sandhya Adhikari | 23-05-2021 20:10 Comments 6 recommendations 0

Well ness week 2021

Date: TBD to 30/05/2021     Type: Online

Do you feel constantly bothered by your thoughts? Are you happy with your life at the moment? Do you have support from your peers and elders? Do you happen to overindulge yourself just to deviate from your thoughts and emotions?

If you can relate to any of the forementioned questions, then you are in the right place. 

We speak to people everyday about the importance of emotions and feelings in our daily life.  There are people knee deep in symptoms of mental illness; depression or an anxiety disorder, or both but having brought up in a society where processing and resolving emotions and feelings isn¡¯t considered that of an issue.
Most of them do not realize until things get out of hand to the point when even they can¡¯t pull themselves out of the situation. 

All the emotions and feelings you¡¯ve experienced since the day you were born didn¡¯t magically disappear into thin air. They¡¯ve been housed inside you, deep inside you. There are layers and layers of unresolved emotions and feelings inside of you that want to get out. They want their due time to be processed. They want you to feel them, sit with them a while and finally be recognized.

Express your emotions be it mental conflicts, love, depressions, negativity, positivity, career and family pressure, stress, frustrations, suicidal thoughts, anger and sadness anonymously through the link given below.  We will have a live session with a senior psychologist of Nepal who will be answering your anonymous queries next week. 

Well, that is your choice. If you want to discover who you really are and grow as a person, recover from whatever is hurting you, you¡¯ll do it. You¡¯ll not only do it, you¡¯ll love doing it. You¡¯ll be happy to do it. You¡¯ll get happier with each emotion and feeling you resolve. You¡¯ll feel lighter and you¡¯ll remember more things that you¡¯ve forgotten.

Think about this very carefully before you dismiss it. So, re-consider taking this personal growth journey with IVSA Paklihawa resolving those emotions causing you pain manifesting strength, self-love and courage.


Deadline for submission: 30th May
#ivsawellness #bekindIVSA #ivsamod #ivsadad  #ivsaasia #ivsanepal #ivsapaklihawa
Ivsa wellness
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 16-06-2021 17:03

Shobha Pokhrel

Pranav Gaba

  • Pranav Gaba says :
    I am definitely gonna participate.
    Posted 25-05-2021 16:26

Pranav Gaba

  • Pranav Gaba says :
    Wow awesome! Thanks for sharing:))
    Posted 25-05-2021 16:24

Kaushal Niraula

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

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