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by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 25-05-2021 20:57 Comments 2 recommendations 0

online photography contest

Date: TBD to june 5 2021     Type: Online

Are You Ready?

Here we present you the "Online Photography Contest" on the occasion of World Environment Day with the theme of 'Ecosystem Restoration'.

Submission guidelines:

1. Only one submission per participant is allowed.

2. The submission must include a caption that conveys the relation of your picture with the theme of the competition.

3. After submission deadline, 3 extra days will be given to boost your post to increase your likes.

3. The file should be submitted at 'nycahetaudachapter@gmail.com'.

4. For grading, 30% would be given to 'Facebook post likes', 70% would be given by judges (20% for caption and 50% for photo)

5. Winner announcement date will be notified on further notice.

6. Submitter's name, address, phone number and email ID are required.


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Lhamu dolma Sherpa

Shobha Pokhrel

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