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by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 15-07-2021 14:43 Comments 2 recommendations 0


Date: TBD to TBD     Type: Online

As Preter Ducker says; The best way to predict the FUTURE is to CREATE IT !
Gen 20.21 is back with the interesting topic ¡°Forecast the Future¡± - Shaping Career from a Young Age.
The session shall be delivered by Mr. Adarsh Avasthi (Country Director of Coca-Cola Nepal) and Mr. Abdullah Tuncer Kececi, General Manager of Turkish Airlines for Nepal.
The 1 hour webinar will provide effective guidance, encourages teenagers and youths to reflect on who they are and who they want to become, and think critically about the relationships between their educational choices and future economic life. It consists of experience sharing and Q & A session which will gives young people the door of opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
In a nutshell; The participants will learn a ways to create balance in their life and career.
Don¡¯t forget to join us to shape your present to the future.
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Lhamu dolma Sherpa

  • Paras Kunwar says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 15-07-2021 14:54

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