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by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 19-09-2021 23:26 Comments 11 recommendations 0

slogan writing competition

Date: TBD to september 28     Type: Online

We cordially invite all of the environment carers to the slogan writing competition based on the Fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty part of the FFNPT campaign. The Campaign's main aim is to raise awareness about the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty and encourage youths to contribute to climate action to support it. Reduction of fossil fuel production and achieving clean energy requires a huge effort and support of everyone, especially youth. It has been predicted that by 2050 the temperature of the earth will increase by 1¡ÆC which will be faced by today¡¯s youth.
As the climate crisis has intensified we need to reach out to people and come up with solutions. Slogans have always been proven to be powerful phrases that drive momentum and capture the attention of the audience. With this aim, we are organizing this competition.
Or scan the QR code
Deadline for submission: 28 September 2021
Winners will be announced on 30 September 2021.
Exciting prizes for top 3 winners
1st prize 2500
2nd prize 2000
3rd prize 1500
E-certificate for all the participants.
For inquiry and more info reach us to our social media pages or can email us at nyca.np@gmail.com
Contact: 9847576084
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Lhamu dolma Sherpa

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    I missed this opportunity
    Posted 21-10-2021 14:47

Sagar  Koirala

Kaushal Niraula

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