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by Elina Haber | 20-01-2022 16:51 Comments 3 recommendations 0

Free - Youth Solves Local & Global problems

Date: 28/01/2022 to 01/02/2022     Type: Online

PROJECT DIVERSIFY brings HIP Stage-1 Fortify Program in partnership with the HIP Hero Club which is the youth-led branch of the Heroic Imagination Project (HIP), a non-profit founded by renowned psychologist and Stanford Emeritus Professor, 
Dr. Philip Zimbardo. HIP's mission is "to create everyday heroes equipped to solve local and global problems."
This is a 5 day program for motivated and inspired high students across the globe who are driven to make a difference in their schools, community, and world. 
In the program you learn about relevant psychology experiments in order to recognize and fortify against innate psychological tendencies that may seduce us to act immorally. 
After completion of the program you'll be required to fill a mandatory survey for each session to be able to receive a certificate from HIP! 

From 28th January to 1st Feb 
At 6:30pm IST
Sign up now! https://forms.gle/oXD6Muok8gxFbDWXA
Last day to apply - 23rd January

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Kaushal Niraula

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

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