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by Ravish Kumar | 11-07-2022 02:34 Comments 4 recommendations 1

know out plastic

Date: 05-02-2020 to 01-12-2020     Type: Offline

Indeed it was required to step forth for the sake of a healthy and of course clean environment. Basically in the rural areas we often get to see that the narrow drainage system would be choked with the cheap plastic and eventually it would have an adverse effect on the people living nearby. 

During the time of COVID-19 I observed the same. I discussed it with my peers. That was a wonderful and healthy talk. At the end we firmed that we were gonna catch hold of this pressing challenge and come up with an inspiring idea. Firstly we managed to hold people's attention to our work that was cleaning the drains without any hesitation. Here the plan comes into play. We started addressing the people - the place they live shouldn't be clean. Are we supposed to hope for a healthy mind in such a filthy environment? 

I can see the regrets on their individual account and again provoke their responsibilities. Their regret was the hope for the new dawn and indeed it was very true. From that day they started doing their job. They would clean their part and all do the same. This is how their efforts, my friend's idea and mine execution lead to the goal. 

Cleaning the place from where water would leek and make the surroundings unpleasant.
  • recommend


Sagar  Koirala

Obadare  Adenekan

  • Obadare Adenekan says :
    I wish something similar can be done in Nigeria
    Posted 09-08-2022 10:13

  • india radha says :
    this is incredibly informative and fascinating!!

    Posted 14-07-2022 19:46

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