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by IMMANUEL MWENDWA KIILU | 18-02-2023 00:31 Comments 9 recommendations 1

Meeting Registration - Commonwealth Youth Townhall on Climate & Sustainability

Date: 04/04/2023 to 04/04/2023     Type: Online

Topic: Commonwealth Youth Townhall on Climate & Sustainability

Description:2023 is the Year of Youth in the Commonwealth. Together, the Commonwealth Youth Networks (CYN), led by the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change (CYCN) and the Commonwealth Youth for Sustainable Urbanisation (CYSU) Network, aims to advance our work in mainstreaming youth perspectives and voices in decision-making processes and outcomes on today¡¯s critical issues, and enhance youth participation in the multilateral climate, environmental and sustainability processes.

This interactive Townhall on Climate and Sustainability invites youth across the Commonwealth to discuss and exchange - in a holistic manner - how we can better unite and direct our efforts to improve measurable outcomes in our attempt to mitigate the Climate and Sustainability crisis. We will collectively reflect on progress made in 2022, and outline a blueprint of action for 2023. The input will be compiled, published, and delivered to the Commonwealth Secretariat and Member States for action in 2023.

Time: Saturday, March 4, 2023, 19.00-20.30 GMT

We understand that the timezone may not be suitable for everyone, should you not be able to attend, but will still like to contribute please continue to fill in the fields below.

Time: Mar 4, 2023 07:00 PM in London

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Pranav Ravi

  • Pranav Ravi says :
    Ill do this
    Posted 12-08-2023 16:43

Pranav Ravi

  • Pranav Ravi says :
    Amazing opportunity
    Posted 12-08-2023 16:42

Sanuli Weihena Gamage

Yashaswi Hegde

  • Yashaswi Hegde says :
    Wonderful opportunity; thanks for sharing!
    Posted 20-02-2023 14:42

Sanuli Weihena Gamage

Shreya Kaushik

  • Shreya Kaushik says :
    Incredible Opportunity!
    Posted 18-02-2023 07:06

Kaushal Niraula

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