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Monthly event - World Enviroment Day 2020

by Heemani Singh | 09-06-2020 10:20 recommendations 0

Hello everyone ,
I hope all of you are fine and doing well and spending your lockdown days in a productive way.

Today I want to share with all of you about how I spent World Environment Day 2020.I wanted it to share with you all on Environment Day only but I was having some technical problem from some days .So I am going to share it with you all today.

On World Environment Day 2020 I spent some time by planting in home . I planted hibiscus tree by using a tin can at my home by making the tin can as a pot, I planted cocks comb flower plant , a foliage plant in pot  I planted bryophyllum as a indoor plant and I also made a hanging pot out of plastic bottle for planting.  For potting mixture I utilized garden soil and compost  which I had prepared at my home using kitchen waste and garden scraps in this lockdown period.It feels reallyveryy good while planting and even more when the plants starts growing . 

Collage of planting

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  • Dormant user Heemani Singh
  • recommend


  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Nice work, himani!!
    Posted 20-07-2020 16:56

  • Eco Generation says :
    Hello Heemani,
    Thank you for your participationin the monthly event!
    Posted 02-07-2020 09:07

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello heemanii
    I hope you are doing well
    Great, keep up with your good works
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers!
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 11-06-2020 10:20

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Great Heemani!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 10-06-2020 15:58

  • sandesh thapa says :
    Hello Hemani,
    doing great.
    carry on.
    thankyou for this report.

    Posted 09-06-2020 23:37

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