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World Turtle Day

by Sonika Pariyar | 23-05-2020 14:56 recommendations 0

Hello everyone! 

I hope all of you are safe and are doing great with your works. The cases of COVID-19 is increasing day by day here in Nepal . Only thing we can do is follow  instruction of WHO and government. 
Today May 23 is celebrated annually as World Turtle day since 2000.The main aim behind the celebration of World turtle Day is ti spread awareness about the protection of natural habitat of turtle and tortoise. This day is celebrated every year globally. People dress of in green color in support of world turtle  day.Different event are carried out all over the world in this day. However,this year due to global  pandemic outdoor activities could not take place.The theme of World Turtle Day 2020 focuses on bringing attention and increasing knowledge on the subject of turtle and tortoise. In addition ,it also includes  motivating human to step virtually and help them survive.
Like me many of you might be confused with word turtle and tortoise,both of these are reptiles of from the order Testudines , but in different family.The major differences between these two reptiles is that tortoise dwell on land ,while turtle lives in water some or nearly all the times.
 Happy World Turtle Day 2020!


world turtle day


  • Nepal Youth Sonika Pariyar
  • recommend


  • Paras Kunwar says :
    Hello Sonika,
    I hope you are fine and doing well,
    I really enjoyed reading your report,
    You are doing a great job.. Best wishes...
    Thank you for sharing,
    Posted 20-07-2021 13:52

  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Hello Sonika,
    Thanks for letting us know about turtle day.
    Keep on sharing.
    Posted 19-07-2020 20:42

  • sandesh thapa says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 03-07-2020 23:50

  • Meghana Fessy says :
    Happy World Turtle Day! :)
    Posted 02-06-2020 16:10

Prakriti  Ghimire

  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Hello Sonika,
    Green Cheers

    Wonderful Report on World Turtle Day

    Sagar Koirala
    Posted 29-05-2020 15:06

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 29-05-2020 13:43

  • Biddhya pandey says :
    hello sonika,
    Hope you are doing great.
    Thank you for giving information about turtle.
    I found it informative
    With regards,
    Posted 28-05-2020 00:09

Sonika Pariyar

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings sonika sis
    I hope you are doing well!
    One of my favorite creature is turtle too. Happy world turtle day!
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 24-05-2020 12:39

Sonika Pariyar

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Hello Sonika,
    I do hope you are staying safe and doing great with your works,
    Thanks for letting us know about the World Turtle Day,
    Indeed its our responsibility to conserve our biological diversity,

    keep writing,
    Looking forward to read much more from you,

    Sandhya Adhikari
    Posted 23-05-2020 20:52

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Hello Sonika,
    I hope you are doing fine with your works.
    Happy world turtle day at first and yes,we all should focus on conserving biodiversity and turtles.
    Thank you for your report.
    Green Cheers,
    Shreya Aryal
    Posted 23-05-2020 17:24

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