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by Sudha Bhandari | 19-05-2020 23:49 recommendations 0

Hello everyone, hope all of you are safe and doing great at home.  As we know this month of May is recognised as the month of Biological Diversity. 22nd of may is celebrated as International day of Biological Diversity and this year the United Nation has set 4 days leading up to May 22nd with different themes, each day representing different aspects related to biodiversity.From today , May 18 to May 21 .Each day is represented by a symbol and each symbol has got different meaning.with the theme of ¡®Our all solution are in Nature¡¯.

As today¡¯s it¡¯s 19th of May and this day is represented by the symbol of Goose. which also stands for conservation of biodiversity. The goose is a flying bird .Our main aim on this day is to raise awareness on some protected areas such as rainforest and national parks which serve as habitat for most vulnerable animals such as the goose. These animals are victims of predation, hunting and extinction but with the right knowledge of conversation of biodiversity we can protect them.

People visit many places by paying huge  amount fees if we are able to conserve biodiversity. If we start to conserve our biodiversity from right now.  then these species don't need any protected areas for them they are safe at their own place and we don't have to pay to visit them.

Keeping this on mind, on this day I have tried to conduct small interaction program among my neighbors awaring  about the biodiversity conservation. 

Some of the topics of the discussion were:

What is biodiversity?

How they are related to the human survival?

Slogans and quotes were discussed in brief.

How can we conserve them?And many more. 

Program was of very short duration about(15-20 mins) although, people were very few in number due to the effect of lockdown and self quarantine the overall program was effective.And  after this short program,let¡¯s hope that they would contribute something from their level to protect the biodiversity.

On this day, I want request everyone of us Let's raise awareness among the local people around us with knowledge which we have about biodiversity ,its importance for sustainability of life on earth, threats related to biodiversity, protected areas .

As a youth it's our responsibility to focus and move forward for this problem and let's make a better society for the upcoming generation.

Green cheers! 

Short awareness program Birds  habitat

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  • Dormant user Sudha Bhandari
  • recommend


  • sandesh thapa says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 22-05-2020 15:54

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings sudha
    I hope you are doing well
    For these creatures with no voice, they have been struggling much due to human!
    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 22-05-2020 13:50

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 21-05-2020 01:11

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Sudha!

    I hope you are doing great!
    Its great to know how you aware people about biodiversity and its conservation.

    Keeps on sharing!



    Posted 20-05-2020 21:22

  • Heemani Singh says :
    Hello Sudha,
    That's really great initiative from personal level to raise awareness among local people about biodiversity .

    Good going

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful report.

    Green cheers


    Posted 20-05-2020 00:43

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