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Solution to land polution

by Kajol Uprety | 25-03-2020 13:17 recommendations 0


Environmental remediation consists of removing pollution from the soil, groundwater or surface water. Bioremediation (microbes) and phytoremediation (plants) can be used to convert the pollutants into harmless products. These are natural solutions that need to be supported by in-depth actions.

Green agriculture icon

2. Green agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is essential as it is meant to control the impact on the cultivated environment, by minimizing the external contributions (phytosanitary products), by diversifying the cultures and by using biological treatments.

Sustainable forest management icon

3. Sustainable forest management

Conservation of the forests is key. Without the protection of the trees, the land becomes dry and starts to erode. Therefore, sustainable forestry or logging is crucial to saving the soil from pollution.

Proper waste disposal icon

4. Proper waste disposal

Be it for industrial or household waste, efficient waste disposal is one of the most effective ways of curbing land pollution. This especially applies to toxic and hazardous waste disposal.

Recycling bin icon

5. The "3 R's" Rule & Education

Reducing the use of non-biodegradable products will lower plastic pollution and eventually have an impact on land pollution. This is why it is very important to reuse and recycle every possible item. Education should also play a major role in efforts to protect the environment from land pollution.

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  • Dormant user Kajol Uprety
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  • Sushma Sapkota says :
    i like your reports , keep writing
    Posted 31-03-2020 00:51

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Wonderful report!!
    Keep going!!!
    Posted 30-03-2020 18:40

  • Susmita Adhikari says :

    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers

    Warm regards
    Posted 29-03-2020 01:05

  • Anima Pokhrel says :
    Thanks for your report.
    Keep Writing
    Posted 28-03-2020 13:00

  • Sameer Singh says :
    Really enjoyed reading the report.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 28-03-2020 02:05

  • Kajol Uprety says :
    Thank you Rachu.
    Posted 26-03-2020 21:31

  • Kajol Uprety says :
    Thank you Meena.
    Posted 26-03-2020 21:30

  • Kajol Uprety says :
    Thank you Ramesh.
    Posted 26-03-2020 21:30

  • Kajol Uprety says :
    Thank you Swesha.
    Posted 26-03-2020 21:30

  • Kajol Uprety says :
    Thank you Swesha.
    Posted 26-03-2020 21:30

  • Rachu Khanal says :
    Thanks for report
    Posted 26-03-2020 10:39

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Hello Kajol!!

    I hope you are fine and doing great.
    Phytoremediation and bio remediation is the best way to control pollutants.

    Keep writing and shining.

    Hope to know more from you.

    Warm regards,

    Posted 25-03-2020 23:15

  • Ramesh Oli says :
    Hello Kajol!!!

    I like yours report.
    Its great to know new thing through this platform.

    Warm regards,

    Posted 25-03-2020 19:59

  • Swesha Dhamala says :
    Hello Kajol!!
    I hope you are fine.

    Thanks for sharing such an wonderful report.

    Posted 25-03-2020 19:26

  • Swesha Dhamala says :
    Hello Kajol!!
    I hope you are fine.

    Thanks for sharing such an wonderful report.

    Posted 25-03-2020 16:54

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