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World Report View


by | 11-08-2015 20:29 recommendations 0

In Nepal more than 80% of the precipitation is received during the monsoon (June-September). Winter rains are more pronounced in the western hills. The prime sources of rain in Nepal is the monsoons blowing from the Bay of Bengal. These monsoons blowing from south-east direction into Nepal are forced to rise up along the slopes of mountains and hills. These contribute major proportion (60% to 90%) of the total annual rainfall received by various geographic regions of the country.

During winter, north-east monsoons blow in the north-east part of Nepal. Since these are dry and cold winds originating from land surface, these contribute very negligible proportion of rain. In this season, the main source of rain is the westerly cyclones approaching from the Mediterranean Sea.

The following bar diagram shows usual rainfall pattern in Nepal. But this year the pattern changed. During June / July there was absolutely no rainfall. Because of this most of the rice field become fallow. The major producing crop rice was planted only 50% area in Nepal. It surely indicates that there will be food problem in upcoming days.

I have concerned with one of the farmer about the present rainfall Patten. Same condition was happened ten years ago. And few years ago there was heavy rainfall occurred throughout the month in June. So unusual pattern of rainfall in not new but in present condition it will disturb national economy as well as ecosystem.

Devastating earthquake has made land weak. Due do this reason if heavy rainfall occur then there will be serious problem of landslides .so rainfall is necessary evil in present condition in Nepal. In recent ten days more than twenty people died due to landslides in hilly region of Nepal.

Another photo is taken from the experimental plot of rice field in Chitwan. The unusual pattern of rainfall cause flooding in my experimental plot. From yesterday heavy rainfall occurring in Chitwan. This type of rainfall is not suitable in any point of view.it is only destructive.so farmers are worried about their field. As climatic condition change then there will be emergence of new types of weed, insects and disease.

Due to climate change it is certain that, there will be food insecurity in near future. So we must think right now.it is sure that the yield of rice will decrease drastically. But we must bring it back. We must bring our rainfall pattern back to normal. We must aware about the negative impact of climate change.

my experimental plot at rampur flooded by rainfall rainfall pattern data from google

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  • says :
    Hemanjot , Its time for action .Beyond this level earth cannot wiithstand it. Thank you for your comment .
    Posted 20-08-2015 09:04

  • says :
    Yes,due to climate change,rainfall patterns are changing.This is mainly due to human activities.It has far reaching consequences.As mentioned in the report,it causes food insecurity as well.If this keeps on happening,there will be a serious shortage of food crops in the world.We all have to join our hands to fight against climate change.
    Posted 20-08-2015 00:58

  • says :
    Ritika, we all are facing such problem. Although we have not great role in carbon gas emission and other eco hazard activities but we are major victims. Hope the pattern will come to normal position in upcoming days.
    Posted 18-08-2015 11:40

  • says :
    A very true story! Thankyou for sharing!
    Posted 18-08-2015 10:45

  • says :
    Yes Sandhya dd, the above one picture is taken from my experimental site UPA. you can clearly see it is flooded. We faced some economic as well as labor loss. Two days ago there was no plenty of water now. This is only representation .Due to shifted rainfall pattern farmers are confused and huge economic loss has been seen. Not only in rice but also in vegetable crops new pest emerged. New kinds of weeds are in the field. Many challenges are added to farmers.
    Posted 14-08-2015 10:47

  • says :
    Bindu, due to the shifting rainfall pattern huge economic loss has been observed. I am confused whether it is monsoon or spring? Of course the productivity of the cultivated field will also decrease. Huge impact of climate change seen this year. We should work together against the non ecofriendly activities.
    Posted 14-08-2015 10:31

  • says :
    yes bindu and dinesh..the distrubed rainfall pattern has been curse in rainfed country like ours..not only the rice but also the cultivation of other crops are distrubed!during my survey i got to know that all the farmers are disappoint to the extent that they now think keeping field barren a better option..
    Posted 14-08-2015 03:43

  • says :
    Dear Dinesh, I totally agree that shifting in rainfall pattern in Nepal has become a headache specially for the farmers. Changing climate leading to questionable food security is warning us.
    Giving recent example, my family did paddy plantation just today which used to have been completed a month ago otherwise.
    Together we should work out to face the challenge of climate change.
    Thank you for sharing this insightful report dear Dinesh :)
    Posted 13-08-2015 22:47

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