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Rise In The Temperatues

by | 03-08-2015 16:45 recommendations 0

In the distant past, temperatures were far warmer than even the most extreme warming scenarios predicted by the end of the century. Fifty million years ago, during the Eocene, it was on average 10C hotter than today. Forests stretched from pole to pole, the Arctic was inhabited by alligators and squirrel-like primates, and palm trees grew in what is now Alaska.

Unlike the current warming trend, though, most natural warm periods in the past developed over thousands, if not millions, of years. ?It?s not how much the temperature has gone up – that?s only around 1C over the past 100 years,? says professor Adam Scaife of the Met Office. ?What?s unprecedented is the rate of change.?

When searching ancient climate records for parallels with the current situation, scientists point to the handful of instances where the Earth?s temperature shifted quickly because of surges in CO2 linked to volcanic activity. Such rapid warming events are often linked in the fossil record to mass extinctions. In common with naturally occurring sudden global temperature changes, scientists can explain the warming observed this century only by factoring in the large rise in CO2 emissions linked to human activity rather than volcanos.We humans are causing major damage to the environment by deforestation , unsustainable consumption of non renewable resources , careless disposal of the industries and there are much more countless reason .

Its the time that we need to wake up to this matter and do the best efforts to reduce the pollution and protect the environment or it will be too late to act in future.

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  • says :
    Great information!
    Posted 18-08-2015 11:02

  • says :
    Yes indeed.We humans really need to take rapid action against these environmental problems.Thanks for reading the article.
    Posted 05-08-2015 23:49

  • says :
    Apart from emissions from automobile exhaust, industry and generating set, acts such as bush burning, refuse burning in open place, defeacating to open place are still common in many rural settings and few urban areas here in Nigeria. I think this is due to poor psychological orientation of the citizenry and reorientation will go a long way in curbing such act.
    Posted 04-08-2015 06:04

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