Water Crisis in Indonesia |
Cause: 1. Human Behavior People still think of water as a social object. Raw water source (river) is intended for a wide range of daily activities, including use for bathing, washing, and sewage or garbage. Most people still think that the only water or taps any government affairs, so it does not move to address the problem of drinking water together. 2. The population is growing and uneven population distribution The rapid growth of population in Indonesia provide a logical consequence of the efforts of subsistence. On the one hand the need for water resources is increasing and on the other hand the damage and pollution of water resources is increasing as well as the implications of industrialization and population growth is not accompanied by a uniform distribution, causing the high number of people who have not been served with clean water and basic sanitation. 3. Damage to the environment Deforestation is a major cause of drought and water scarcity. Forest areas that have been the water catchment area (catchment area) has been damaged due to illegal logging. Global Warming Global warming has triggered an increase in temperature of the earth which resulted in melting ice in mountain and polar, reduced water availability, rising sea levels, and other adverse effects. Water Pollution The rivers on the island of Java, generally in poor condition due to pollution of industrial waste and domestic waste. Though most of the river is a source of water for the community for the purpose of bathing, washing, as well as the raw source of drinking water processed (PAM). Management Water Management Less Good Lack of coordination between the institutions involved led to the failure of Indonesia's development program in the water sector. Inadequate budgets. According to the MOH, over the past 30 years, the budget allocated for the improvement of sanitation (including water supply bresih) only about 820 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp 200 per person per year. Though the need to reach Rp 470 per person per year. The poor performance of PAM / PDAM. In general PDAM national average performance has not met expectations. As a low level of service (32%), high water loss (41%), low water consumption (14 m3 / month per household). Impact: 1. Aspects of Health The disease most often affects the current water crisis hit is diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, dysentery, malaria, worm disease. It can be regarded as a disease endermis in Indonesia, meaning that occurs continuously in all areas, both urban and rural. 2. Economic Aspects This clean water crisis will make public access to water is limited and expensive. Because the entire cost of network management and maintenance of water and other water sources depends on the user in the form of tariff. Actually, with the commercialization of water, those who have the most money multiply that get the most water. The poor who do not have money even more difficult to get water so that many people are not able to get healthy water to drink. Prevention and Control: Under Law No. 7 Th. 2004 Section 21 of the conservation of water resources
While the things we can do in the prevention and control of water sources are:
Source: http://blog.ub.ac.id/desynurcahyani/2013/03/18/krisis-air-bersih-di-indonesia/
Rain water harvesting is also beneficial in this situation as Indonesia receives bountiful rainfall.
Posted 30-11-2014 18:31