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Problem of Food Wastage

by | 28-01-2014 19:31 recommendations 0

Its been three month I have been trying to bring a change not only in me but also in my friends. This change relates to the habit or attitude of people. The thing I am talking about is related to the problem regarding food wastage. I live in a boarding school with my friends. There is a big problem related to food wastage. Almost everyday I see hundreds of kilos of food being wasted in the plates of the students. I started a campaign in my school with five of my friends to firstly persuade our friends not to waste the food. For around a month I and my five friends tried to persuade our friends to not to waste food by not wasting the food by ourselves.But despite several attempts we couldn't fulfill our target. If any of you have any better suggestion to minimize problem of food wastage  then please share it to me.

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  • says :
    It's such a shame,... we should be aware of the whole energy and effort put in foods we eat daily and the people go to bed with hungry stomach...
    Posted 03-02-2014 17:24

  • says :
    Agreed Arushi & Rohan, Name & shame the food wasters. Well done Smriti. Food is a precious resource.
    Posted 02-02-2014 21:17

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I agree with Arushi & Smriti.
    Eat what you take & Take what you CAN eat.
    Initial serving must be controlled. After finishing, second helping may be taken
    Posted 30-01-2014 19:42

  • says :
    I had organized the same type of campaign some years before and we enforced the rule and put fine for food wastage along with rewards for students who don't waste food and help to motivate others. It was quite difficult before but later we had achieved good percentage of success. You can try this as well and all the best.
    Posted 29-01-2014 23:19

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Approach your Mess Co-ordinators , student leaders or supervisors. Plan a campaign in such a way that 2-3 students are deployed at the exit of canteen/mess or at disposal centre(where waste food is being thrown) to see how much each student is wasting. Keep many tags or stickers ready with pre-writen words
    "I wasted ..........................today". Let students fill in how much they wasted and give to supervisors . Let that be displayed on notice board etc. This way by fear of shame or disgrace, students will not waste food. Once they get into habit of not wasting , this monitoring can stop.
    Posted 29-01-2014 17:12

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