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Climate change and the effect on Cultural Heritages

by | 01-01-2014 02:32 recommendations 0

Nepal is a country rich in natural as well as cultural heritages. Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal is itself called as the city of Temples. Nepal, the only place in the world where the living goddess lives Kumari. Similarly the sites like Hanumandhoka Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square and many others are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. But recently these sites are negatively impacted by the climate change.


The Green House Gases like carbonmonoxide, Sulphurdioxide and other gases emitted by the vehicles and industries when gets in contact with the rain falls as acid rain principally the Carbonic and the Sulphuric acids. These acids corrode the walls of the sites and also react with the metals and deteriorate the sites.
Thus, Concerns must be made regarding the climate change and its effect on these historical sites as they are the glory of our nation.

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thanks for sharing!!! Its a matter of concern for the authority.
    Posted 25-01-2014 18:21

  • says :
    It is a serious threat no doubt.
    Posted 12-01-2014 16:40

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Same applies to heritage buildings in India also.
    Posted 09-01-2014 15:45

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing Edward.
    Posted 07-01-2014 14:01

  • says :
    thanks for sharing Edward, its very true
    Posted 02-01-2014 23:21

  • says :
    That's a good point, Edwards. Climate change does effect on the cultural heritages also.
    Posted 02-01-2014 17:43

  • says :
    the cultural heritage are the pride for every nepali but what to do the climatic factor is affecting our identity i.e heritages
    Posted 02-01-2014 14:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks Edwards for pickiing a very valid concern and thanks for explaining about acid rain and its consequences.
    Posted 01-01-2014 21:12

  • says :
    So true..... Thanks for the concern.
    Posted 01-01-2014 12:53

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