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overview of Chitwan National Park

by | 31-12-2013 00:02 recommendations 0

Chitwan National Park is one of the world heritages of Nepal which is rich in biodiversity and its natural beauty. People from various places from inside the country and also from outside the country i.e from India, Srilannka, European and American countries come and visit Chitwan National park for the purpose of recreation, Knowledge acquirement, relaxation etc. Chitwan National Park in Nepal is not only seen as biodiversity source but is also seen as an incredible pool of income generating medium which is contributing enormously to national GDP. In Chitwan National park, many endangered and near to extinct flora and fauna are found. Some of the examples are One horned Rhino which is near to extinction in the whole world.   There is also the elephant breeding farm in Chitwan National Park. Chitwan National Park which is situated in Sauraha Chitwan, Central Nepal is also famous for Nepalese handicrafts made by the rural and backward women and indigenous people. Besides, another important attraction is Tharu Cultural Dance by the indigenous people of Nepal. This year, elephant race and elephant beauty contest was also held in Chitwan national park.  Chitwan national park also consist of Museum which has many archeologically and biologically important specimen which can give important knowledge on the Nepalese history of animals and endangered species. Chitwan National park in other words is full of amusement. I highly recommend all the readers to visit this place.

tourists in the elephant safari: photo source google.com Bishhazari taal: photo source google.ocm

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Chitwan National Park (CNP) is really nice place to visit and watch. I had been there once during our educational visit. One can see One-horned Rhinoceros (if you are lucky) and several other wild-life.
    Posted 29-01-2014 23:43

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Vivid description
    Posted 09-01-2014 15:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for introducing Chitwan National Park.
    Posted 01-01-2014 21:35

  • says :
    nice share
    Posted 31-12-2013 22:16

  • says :
    good overview of National Park
    Posted 31-12-2013 21:07

  • says :
    good report on Chitwan National Park
    Posted 31-12-2013 15:11

  • says :
    nice report on our park which is also situated in my district, ie Chitwan Nepal
    Posted 31-12-2013 14:50

  • says :
    you are always welcome here @ Christy :)
    Posted 31-12-2013 11:30

  • says :
    Napal is really blessed with awesome nature... I hope someday I could visit there with my beloved people...
    Posted 31-12-2013 10:07

  • says :
    thank you Suman for going through :)
    Posted 31-12-2013 01:18

  • says :
    Chitwan National park, popular for the one-horned rhino which is one of the endangered species, nicely describe about the park...thanks for sharing.
    Posted 31-12-2013 01:15

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