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Small efforts can bring a huge change's

by | 31-12-2013 01:10 recommendations 0

Since my childhood I was taught to aim high so that I won't stick into small things and deviate my path from achieving my goal. Today I feel like I understood the actual meaning of what I was taught. To reach the aim we must walk many tiny steps and its rather important where we place our foot. Here I am talking about the change we want to bring in every peoples' mind and action regarding the Earth.

Our action begins from small things of our daily life. Most of the energy drained today is from the electronic gadgets like phones, tablets etc. Unplugging them soon after they are fully charged, not using them aimlessly or purposelessly can be a positive effort to save energy. Similarly its habit in many homes that we don't turn off our TV's, Computers or other devices completely which drains a lot of energy.

Another part is we must make an attempt to harvest the renewable energy sources like the sunlight, heat from the sun, wind power, solar power and like energies. The motor vehicles which engulf petrol and diesel and produce harmful gases should only be used when unavoidable and other means of transportation like bicycle can be used.

These things might look simple and small but such small steps is going to make a huge difference if we all make our living GREEN.

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  • Dormant user
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    i agree with you ,Suman
    Posted 01-01-2014 21:22

  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 31-12-2013 22:15

  • says :
    nice share Suman and its informative
    Posted 31-12-2013 21:04

  • says :
    good share Suman
    Posted 31-12-2013 15:10

  • says :
    Right! It's not about huge movement. It's about our daily lifestyle and we can change it :)
    Posted 31-12-2013 10:10

  • says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 31-12-2013 05:35

  • says :
    nice article brother.... i agree, our small efforts can bring a great change..
    Posted 31-12-2013 01:26

  • says :
    i agree with you Suman
    Posted 31-12-2013 01:17

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