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What does going Green mean to me?

by | 06-09-2013 15:21 recommendations 0

This is my first article as an ambassador, so I would like to share some of my insights of being green. I will share my activities in posts to come.

It hasn?t been long since I have understood about the ?GREEN? word. I had lived my entire life in an urban area with very little exposure to the wonders of nature and very little consciousness lied in me regarding the need of the environment to be conserved. Actually, it isn?t that I had not participated in the green campaigns like anti-plastic campaigns, plantation programs etc. But I had never participated in those green programs feeling truly responsible towards the environment around me. I thought ?GREEN? word is just a BUZZ word and development is more important. I hardly believed that world is really in chaos due to environmental degradation and moreover, I even had my mind fixed up to the idea that small efforts by we, little people, with no power to change policies cannot bring CHANGE. Fortunately, this thought didn?t remain as a permanent worm in my head.

The changing point was in the beginning of my bachelor?s study in Agricultural science in Chitwan, Nepal. I got exposure to the ill effects of climate change and pollution in the agriculture and in the lives of the people. And then, motivated by the cause and effects, I joined and even founded a number of green organizations. Green organizations like Tunza Eco-generation (www.tunza.eco-generation.org) , Nepal Tunza Youth Environment Network ( www.ntyen2013.wordpress.com) , Green Youth Generation (www.greenyouthgeneration.org) and the various platforms for discussion and understanding they have created was really an eye opener for me to contribute whatever I can to the environment.

What I have learnt from Green organizations?

  • Environment is responsibilities of all of us because we have nothing more than environment.
  • Green actions can make present and future a beautiful place to live in.
  • Sharing and performing green actions can help you grow as a true owner of your place in the earth.

What does going GREEN mean to me?

  • To understand that if there will be no proper environment, there will be no future or development or the people as a whole and acting accordingly is going GREEN in real.
  • To believe in own strength for creating a better future and inspiring the world around is going Green.
  • Reducing carbon footprint in daily lives and changing words to actions is going green.
  • Respecting the existence of every organism of the planet is going GREEN.

So, let us be a true Green person. Let us make world a beautiful place to live in.

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  • says :
    nicely written Smriti :)
    Posted 30-12-2013 00:49

  • says :
    thanks for the information
    Posted 30-12-2013 00:48

  • says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 24-12-2013 23:09

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 19-12-2013 18:05

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 17-12-2013 17:33

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 04-12-2013 21:29

  • says :
    well said..!
    Posted 03-12-2013 19:32

  • Rohit singh says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 03-12-2013 07:56

  • says :
    Thank you all
    Posted 08-10-2013 00:07

  • says :
    Finally I read this (your world report) again Smiriti :D glad to read about it!
    Posted 01-10-2013 18:51

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing your true feeling on the word, "Green".
    I feel proud of you because you proactively acted on your realizations.
    Not everyone can do it easily :-)
    Posted 24-09-2013 15:28

  • says :
    COngrats on being selected as a Brand Ambassdor. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 15-09-2013 04:00

  • says :
    thanks for sharing Smriti
    Posted 11-09-2013 17:03

  • says :
    "What does going green means to me??"........... #Hulk :-D
    Posted 11-09-2013 13:57

  • says :
    Congrats Smiriti,
    nice article
    Posted 09-09-2013 20:40

  • says :
    congrats smriti as an E gen ambassador, nice article i like it.
    Posted 08-09-2013 02:23

  • says :
    First of all Congratulation Smriti..:)
    Thank you for sharing your view... well said

    Posted 08-09-2013 02:06

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Very nicely written your thoughts of "what green means". Thanks .
    Posted 06-09-2013 18:15

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