LIVING PLANET 2014 - Report by the WWF
On 13th November, 2014 Tarja Halonen, the former Prime Minister of Finland in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture launched the Living Planet Report 2014. And right when it happened, I thought to myself, another accomplishment task by the WWF in keeping us informed about the world around us. Yet, the reports were disturbing. Seated on my couch and reading the Report, one thing that I deduced from the launch of the Report was that "it is the result of the danger of tyranny - low income, developing and underdeveloped nations that suffer the most in terms of ecology. And we need to do something about this." And indeed it came out true in the report. My analysis gave me these three understandings. These three essential parameters are: 1. Ecosystem and Climate Change The Report was clear and distinct. In just over 40 years time, the number of the global species have reduced by 52%. In just over 40 years time, ice caps have melt faster than what the world could not expect. The cause was mainly attributed to the degradation of forests, over consumption, poaching that had in turn led to the displacement of the habitat. The reciprocity in turn of returning the nature has been minimum ever since the environmentalists recorded the human development. The end result, creating a world of imbalanced development. And this needs to be ended, immediately.
2. Economic consumption Humans have been consuming much more than what the earth can feed. The Report in its sense commented that it would need another earth and a half to meet the current demands of the humans. Economic consumption has become a necessity thereby creating an aura of what Marx would call as the opium to the masses. The Gross Domestic Needs has hurdled faster than expected. More and more nations are creating ways for economic superiority. The end result, creating a world of competitions for imbalanced development. And this needs to be ended, immediately. 3. PopulationAnother striking feature of the Report is the existence of the increase in the population of the humans. And this I think is the most important part of the Report. Population has become too tricky in use. Without it, world would be in disorder. Yet, with it too, the world does not seem better. So, where do we draw the thin line? The report states that the effects on the world would exert pressure on the population. Equally important to consider is that it is the population who is responsible for curbing such pressures. And amongst the population are the ones in power who should be held more responsible for their actions. If the world witnesses this cooperation, I bet that the world will be better than what we fear of it. Folks, there is only one planet. This brings us to one common question, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Each and everyone of us. Those who throw the waste at your backyard, those with booming industries, those consuming more than what what was needed and those with short term planning. Thanks to the partners Zoological Society of London, Global Footprint Network and Water Footprint Network for their partnership in producing the Report. Reference World Wide Fund (2014). Living Planet Report. Retrieved November 18, 2014 from
@Jekk and @Rohan I am very delighted to know that the world has come to such a stage where more young people are ever ready to make a change. Like me, like you and like them, we are all in a mission: A mission to make this world a better place to live.
With making the world WALK THE TALK, I hope that the participants from this Conference take more than what the conference can provide: the will to continue efforts towards environmental enrichment. As a youth, all I can say is being equally responsible and making a change is very necessary rather than being vocal alone. Let's be the change.
Posted 20-11-2014 19:31
Yes Karma! Just what like Ban Ki-moon said, ¡°There is no Plan B because we do not have a Planet B.¡± All of us are responsible in the world we live in. Yes.You are right, in our small ways, we can make a change. :) Thanks Karma!
Posted 20-11-2014 10:23
Yes Karma, we all are responsible for this & WE CAN reverse this also. We have the power & willingness.
Charity begins at home. If we start disposing the waste wisely, this planet will be sustainable to live.
Posted 19-11-2014 20:24