Caring for the environment is caring human life. Although every day we see the reasons why it is so important to protect our environment, there are still people who wonder why? ... Why should we care for our planet.?
It is important then think and know that the world is not ours, we have been given to live in it and we use it wisely. And that's what we do ... live, not destroy.
But we must also protect our environment because we need it.And much! Depend on it to exist. Our planet gives us all the natural resources we need for food, build our houses, have light, transport us, clothe, etc. Look one second around ... everything you see - paper, pencil, computer, rubber, etc. is obtained, directly or indirectly, the environment, so it is important that we ensure its ability to continue providing them.
If we destroy the environment we are hurting ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. Caring for the world is looking after us and that's another good reason do not you think?
The environment is home to all components, both biotic and abiotic surrounding species and allow you to live. Our environment is our life support and all its components: air, water, air, rocks, plants, animals, etc. However, the environment, key to our survival is being dangerously affected by human activities.
Destroying environment is basically cutting the branch of the tree on which we are sitting.
It is like digging own grave.
Posted 30-11-2014 20:12