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The Inception of Keedafie

by | 09-06-2015 06:17 recommendations 0

It was Day 2 on the workshop ?The Use of Social Media in Biodiversity Conservation? organized by CEE, Lucknow. Most of the experts giving presentations were cool and interesting and yet sitting throughout two days in succession had drained me a bit physically and mentally. Towards the end of the day, Shailaja Rabindranathan, Project Co-ordinater CEE, South asked us to come up with an idea, basically a rough idea to work on with. I was sharing the table with my mate Rahul Acharya, with whom I had travelled there with, Brojo Kumar Basumatry, Thing and Shiwani Thakur, all our table could come up with was a plantation program. It wasn?t innovative or different on any way and the fact that plantation program has been going on by hundreds of organization didn?t help and it didn?t seem to fit that well for an online campaign.

The ideas of other tables were also nothing new and promising as Shailaja madam rightly pointed out and God she was frustrated. In fact she had every right to get dissatisfied as for two whole days and even during lunch and dinner she and Pramod Sharma sir were tirelessly putting an effort to make us clear about the underlying concepts, things that mattered, case studies, Q &A, and everything. She asked if she had wasted her time and resources on us. This killed me, I was dying to prove otherwise. She said few other words in a way challenging us to come up with something new tomorrow, the last day of workshop. I was stirred and damn motivated.

That night we went to Ambedkar park which was majestic and it was fun roaming the city with the guys.

I slept very light that night, I had no idea to work on, how was I going to face Shailaja madam?  I asked myself.

It must have been 4 in the morning when I woke up, I couldn?t sleep. I went to the bathroom washed my face and lay back in the bed, closing my eyes and thought about the things that we could do, the presentation of Pramod sir recurred, the journey to lucknow, my study and many countless varied thoughts.

It occurred to me people in general don?t care about environment while they are online, say biodiversity and many start dozing off. If I had to draw their attention and engage them , I had to come with a gamefied approach and the notion of Selfie with Butterfly that Shailaja madam had shared yesterday came to my mind. This was a moment of a small mental triumph as I was finally getting the idea.

Then I left my bed, took a pen and a notebook and started scribbling. Selfie with Butterfly would limit participation so I thought may be Selfie with Insects and right at that moment I felt this is it. I even pumped a fist in the air.

At around 6AM, Rahul woke up and  I shared him the idea I had come up with and he was ecstatic. We brainstormed the idea for a while.

Brojo and Thang joined us for tea and we shared the idea and they were excited. This could work really well  I said as Brojo, himself is a Butterfly enthusiast and had reported over 30 endemic species of Butterflies from Assam.

Later on Shiwani and Ananya joined us and we shared them the idea of Selfie with Insects. They loved it. They came up with the word ?Keedafie? , this was good news as keedafie sounded cool and could create a serious buzz.

Then we shared the idea of Keedafie with Shailaja madam and she said, ?I like it? with her thumbs up, smiling and delightful face. I was over the moon. We discussed the approach we would be taking, called ourselves BTRAPS after the initials of team members and wrote the project proposal in the format given by CEE.

We set a target of reaching 5000 people and by the end we reached to more than 30000 people. We got 65 entries lovely entries for keedafie challenge and on June 5, 2015 CEE on their website selected top 3 projects launched from the workshop and to our delight Project Keedafie was judged the best project. The Online campaign continues.

I am grateful to Shailaja madam and Pramod sir for teaching and inspiring me. Thank you Aksana for sharing the link to the workshop.

BTRAPS, we rock!


Read more about keedafie : https://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorReportView.jsp?viewID=12357&searchType=title&searchName=keedafie&pageNumber=1

winner rachit singh team btraps

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  • says :
    Many, many congratulations, Prashant! I remember your name very clearly because you have always actively participated in various Eco-generation events. I knew you would nail the project. Creating idea to catch people's eye is never easy, even professional marketers have difficulty to do it. You should feel proud of yourself for not giving up this tough task and leading it to the multiple successes. Thumbs up for you and your team. I see many names of your friends who are already cherished by me through the Eco-generation platform.
    Again, congratulations!!!
    Posted 12-06-2015 10:58

  • says :
    Worth reading! has always enjoyed reading articles from you, Prashant, keep sharing and keep inspiring. Blessed to have you as my friend and why wouldn't I share? Biodiversity conservation is our responsibility and Keedafie nailed it!! I'm so glad :) :)
    Congratulations once again!
    Posted 11-06-2015 21:03

  • says :
    I was elated when Shailaja Mam, Preety mam and Sagar Sir all raised their thumbs up after giving the presentation. And KEEDAfie was already buzz word in the Workshop :P )
    Posted 11-06-2015 17:24

  • says :
    I was more than happy to see our project coming first

    Shailaja Mam's inputs and then 'frustration' made us ponder. I still remember our fellows talking about the projects and these and that. Not to mention how much 'guilt'( in its most sublime meaning) we were.
    Shailaja mam gave us a very good hint of 'Selfie with Butterfly'.
    Before selfie. I was thinking about 'Pollinators' and sharing the photos of the pollinators. this could give us some insight about the roles of such insects.But Selfie idea seemed more intimidating
    Nevertheless, I am glad we all stick together to the KEEDAfie and as B-TRAPS
    Also, truth is except for few of us most of us remain aloof to any environmental causes let alone biodiversity conservation. And if we had to teach youths about biodiversity online( especially insect biodiversity often neglected) , selfie was the best medium ( from our side). If you want to communicate, communicate in the language they understand.

    Brojo's enthusiasm,keen interest and knowledge on butterflies is applauding. It was our concern and passion for the insects and their conservation, we could achieve the success.
    Brilliantly written Prashant!!!
    Posted 11-06-2015 17:11

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