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Eco Green Campus

by | 01-08-2015 04:50 recommendations 0

GRIHA, an acronym for Green Rating for integrated Habitat Assessment,is the National Rating System if India. GRIHA has been coceived by TERI  (The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi) and developed jointly with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India.It is a green building 'design and evaluation system',and is suitable for all kinds of buildings in different climatic zones of the country.

ADaRSH , Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitat, is an independent platform for the interaction on scientific and adminsistrative issue related to sustainable habitats in the Indian subcontinent. It was founded jointly by TERI  (The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi) and MNRE ( Ministry of New and Renewable Energy , Government of India ) along with a handful of experts in the sustainibility of built environment from across the country. ADaRSH promotes GRIHA (Green Rating for integrated Habitat Assessment) as a design & evaluation tool for Green Buildings and Habitats.

The Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is concieved with the specific objective of creating an interdisciplinary research facility integrating the fields of engineering , science and medicine to address environmental issues. The Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering building has been conceptualized , designed and constructed as a "building in the garden" that is sustainable and evvironment friendly. The facility has obtained a 5 star TERI-GRIHA A Green Building certification.

Green Design Features :

> Existing landscape and vegetation are largely protected and preserved.   Sustainable site planning to resources and minimize disruption of natual   ecosystem.

> Integrating the water body with design for optimal microlimate.

> Architectural design optimized as per climate and sun path analysis, achieving   reduction in energy consumption.

> Optimization of building envelope by use of insulated cavity walls,insulation of   roofand surface finishing that reflects a major solar heat.

> Efficient glazing for openings which mizimize solar grains in summer , heat loss   in winter and maximize natural dayligh.

> Roof shaded by bamboo trellis with green cover to cut direct heat gain.

> Provision of an internal court shaded by louvers that allow free air movement.

> Natural light and ventilation through skylights & ventilators in common spaces.

> Use of indigenous and recycled materials with low embodied energy.

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  • says :
    nice concept! thankyou for sharing!
    Posted 18-08-2015 11:05

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I hope government makes few of these green features as mandatory for all new /upcoming buildings. Thanks for sharing , Harmanjot. I din't know that India has GRIHA rating system.
    Posted 08-08-2015 02:33

  • says :
    Thank you Disha for your appreciation.Yes indeed I feel that more and more of buildings must adopt these features.It will be a huge step towards a greener tomorrow!
    Posted 04-08-2015 04:45

  • says :
    Wow! If all buildings in India implement the Green Building Design, we would please the population as well as mother nature. The feature of efficient glazing is also impressive. Thank you for posting this wonderful piece of information :)
    Posted 04-08-2015 03:32

  • says :
    Posted 03-08-2015 02:19

  • says :
    The building is a typical example of low-energy building in which energy demand has been substantially lowered using energy efficiency technologies. Others features that you might not have noticed include the simplicity of the design to give a reduced surface area, the orientation of the building (ridge line running in east-west direction, window orientation. Although rather than shading the roof to prevent heat gain, photovoltaic system can be use to harness the solar power. I'll will appreciate if I can get a link to the documentary of this building. You can check my article titled Net Zero Energy Building. Keep up the good work.
    Posted 02-08-2015 08:33

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