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tour by ambassador for conserving flora and fauna on land

by | 04-08-2015 05:32 recommendations 0

A visit to Naran Kaghan Valley located in KPK Pakistan. it is a virus free zone and 10000 meters above the sea level. It is a virus free zone and Aphid(Insect) Free Zone. Aphid is responsible for transfer of viral disease. Plants in this valley are also resistant to virus and Aphids. 60% of use of chemicals is on aphid and viral disease. Our purpose was to identify the resistant factors and adopt them in the commercial plants and it will reduce the consumption of chemicals in the world thus will protect our eco system by chemical degradation.
virus free callus in alb

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  • says :
    Great information! thanks for sharing!
    Posted 18-08-2015 10:59

  • says :
    A valley which is virus free...quite interesting and amazing.I appreciate your efforts towards action for conservation of flora and fauna.Thanks for adding to my knowledge!
    Posted 05-08-2015 05:56

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