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Desspite of ecofriendly why farmers are not practicing organic?

by | 09-08-2015 22:22 recommendations 0

Few days ago I  participated in  a seminar. The Seminar focused in the IPM projects available in the Chitwan district. The project is launched by PACT (project of agricultural commercialization Nepal), Nepal. The farmers were encouraged to participate in various organic farming practices. But the participants did not show zeal as I expected. Few farmers were interested in such project. Even the young, educated farmers disinterested in that program.

What are the reasons behind such problems?

 Well I have list out some of the reasons behind why the farmers of Chitwan are not interested in organic farming:

1.       They think that the organic farming is traditionl.somewhat this is true. Our forefather practiced organic agriculture. They didn?t use chemical fertilizer in their field .But the productivity is low. Even not sufficient for their family to feed throughout the year. While applying chemically synthesized chemical fertilizer the productivity get increased.

2.       The problem of market: Even the product is organic, but they couldn?t sell it because there is no separate market available for organic products. Somehow the organic products look dull in appearance.

3.       The problem of pest: if pesticides are not applied in the field the production may fail. One of the farmer share his experience with me about his farm. In the past year he applied few Urea in rice field and the outcomes was, the production reduced drastically.

4.       About Environment: who cares about environment .Well everybody has busy life, everybody has their one living style. They want to use ecology for their benefit. But nobody want to care about environment.

5.       What we learn: In my home or at university. They emphasis more on production in short period of time rather than thinking about long term effect.

6.       Role of government: Government focused on use of chemical fertilizer. They provides subsidies for the use of chemical fertilizer. Government do not punish if we use excessive chemical fertilizer.

7.       What we think about other country: we think they have big fertilizer industries. They produce huge amount of agrochemical so they are rich .But it is false.

8.       Result of research: what we have done in university ,our research field(student?s field) are linked with farmers fied.

9.       Organic certification agency: there is no availability of certification agencies which certify the organic products of farmer which discourage farmer for organic agriculture.

The concept of organic agriculture is emerging .Although it is not new for us, so we have to change our habit of using chemical fertilizer for short term benefit and thinking about the long term effect of all practices. Organic agriculture increase soil health condition, environmental condition, and ecological balance including human health. Farmers are unknown about the adverse effect of chemical fertilizer like eutrophication, acidity of soil, chemical pollution, different diseases like blue baby (in Human)etc. For sustainable development and ecosystem balance excessive use of chemicals should be discarded in agriculture. So, organic agriculture increase health of products and the soil. So the future production of organic agriculture will be better than the chemical used agriculture and will be sustainable.

Although, organic agriculture can?t meet the desired production of farmers .it is ecofriendly and healthy concept of agriculture .to meet farmers expectation and judicious management of land and the holistic approach of nutrient management should be introduced .that is IPM &INM (Integrated pest management & integrated nutrient management).


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  • says :
    Thank you Ritika Prasai !
    Posted 18-08-2015 11:34

  • says :
    Loved the article. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 18-08-2015 10:53

  • says :
    you are absolutely right Harmanjot.For the benefit of all ecosystems,we should sustain our soil and conserve biodiversity
    Posted 09-08-2015 23:05

  • says :
    Organic farming is a very sustainable method that is healthy as well.Use of chemical pesticides harms not only the environment but human health as well.To increase production research has to be done.
    Posted 09-08-2015 22:58

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