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by | 15-08-2015 10:13 recommendations 0

Ever hear of GMO – genetically modified organisms? These GMO are in products where the genetic makeup has been altered through genetic engineering. GMOs are plants or animals that have undergone a process wherein scientists alter their genes with DNA from different species of living organisms, bacteria, or viruses to get desired traits such as resistance to disease or tolerance of pesticides. Many Agriculturian including myself are concerned about the spread of genetically modified organisms throughout agriculture.

Since the 1990s world agriculture and food production has undergone the most radical transformation in history. With very little public awareness, in just a few short years GMO foods have come to dominate both global agriculture and supermarket shelf space.

I am not a scientist. However, I do care about what is in the foods I eat and I think most of you agree and want to know what you?re eating, as well. We need to know the method we use to cultivate food is environmentally friendly or not.

In September 2012 French scientists conclude FIRST EVER long-term study of GMO on rats extensive research PROVING GMO CORN causes horrific tumors in rats, killing 70 percent of females early, long before their average two-year life expectancy. The study which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, revealed for the first time that rats fed Monsanto?s NK603 GM corn treated with Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide for longer than 90 days developed deadly tumors at a much higher, and much quicker, rate than rats not exposed to these products.

The side effects of long term GMO food consumption include kidney cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer (for men too), thyroid tumors, brain tumors, Parkinson?s disease, infertility, birth defects, and autism. In over 260 studies worldwide, the diagnosis of cancer has been linked to agrochemicals.

So what are some examples of food that are genetically modified?

1. Papayas:. In 1998, scientists developed a transgenic fruit called Rainbow papaya, which is resistant to the ring spot virus.

2. Milk: RGBH, or recombinant bovine growth hormone, is a GE variation on a naturally occurring hormone injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. It is banned for milk destined for human consumption in the European Union, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

3. Corn: Monsanto Company is responsible.

4. Squash and zucchini: and zucchinis have been bioengineered to be virus resistant.

5. Seedless watermelon: While it would seem possible that a fruit that produces no seeds has been bioengineered, the seedless watermelon is a hybrid of two separate breeds. It has been nicknamed the "mule of the watermelon world."

6. Rice: A genetically modified variety called golden rice being developed in the Philippines has been altered to include beta-carotene, a source of vitamin A. Backers are lauding it as a way to alleviate nutrient deficiency for the populations in developing countries.

How do GMOs affect the environment? One word: Pesticides. Hundreds of millions of extra pounds of pesticides. The six biggest producers of GE seeds—Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow Agro sciences, BASF, Bayer, and Pioneer (DuPont)—are also the biggest producers of chemical herbicides and insecticides. Monsanto's Roundup Ready crops, for example, are genetically engineered to be immune to herbicide so that farmers can destroy weeds without killing their cash crops. But the process has spawned Roundup resistant weeds, leading farmers to apply greater and greater doses of the chemical or even resort to more toxic methods to battle back the super weeds.

gmo in maize .downloaded from google

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  • says :
    Of course Harmanjot, GMOs have direct impact to environment. Still there are many research going on about its animals . It is not suitable method for long term benefit.
    Posted 22-08-2015 09:32

  • says :
    This is a very serious issue which needs to be addressed.Genetically Modified Crops should not be promoted and their use should be stopped.Thank you for creating awareness about GMOs.
    Posted 22-08-2015 00:01

  • says :
    Thank you Ritika.
    Posted 18-08-2015 22:11

  • says :
    Great information!
    Posted 18-08-2015 17:44

  • says :
    Well Raphael , great to know it in Nigeria .But in the case of Nepal, due to weak quarantine system the food stuff that we import from other countries are genetically modified. Even seeds are also GMOs. Few years ago Monsanto forced us to take maize, but we successfully avoid it. This is what happening in poor countries .I prepared this report so that we must think before what we are eating. Where does it come from? What are the issues related to its production?
    Posted 17-08-2015 01:38

  • says :
    In Nigeria, we have a national institute of bio-technology that makes sure that GMO's are limted to non-consumable bio-materials like cotton etc. I personally do not agree with use of genetic engineering in consumable agricultural produce
    Posted 16-08-2015 13:20

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