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How to brand ?you? as a STAAR

by | 24-08-2015 10:10 recommendations 0

How to brand ?you? as a STAAR


Know yourself [your skills, your values, your passions & personality]

In Africa, people usually build their life around their business, that?s why we are where we are, that?s the fastest path to mediocrity, YOU OUGHT TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS AROUND YOUR LIFE. Which is more important your life or your business?

Answer these questions: time flies when I?, I?m most sad when I? I?m most happy when I? I?ll do for free?

Your brand must be grand and not left on the ground

If you don?t have a brand, those who do will send you on errand

It is self-definition that will put your life on TV in high-definition



Bad brands smell like rotten egg

Your brand must be clean, on transparency it must lean

When Nigeria is in need of the best accountant, nobody will recommend that guy that stole N500 in class

Your today prepares you for tomorrow. When you toy with today, you rob your tomorrow of joy

Can your friends, your teachers, your parents trust you with their money, secret, their life?



Everybody, look at your fingers

7 billion people, and no 2 persons have the same DNA!

I need you to understand: A great personal brand is all you need to stand

With a great brand, you?ll leave your haters eating sand

Be you, Be yourself

Just imagine that you?re copying your friend who is copying another friend who is probably copying someone somewhere, then you end up like a bad photocopy

There is something about you


Very good is bad

Authenticity has nothing to do with ethnicity.



You cannot manage what you cannot measure

A life that is not accountable is not worth living

Raise up your hands if you keep a diary, have a daily to do list?

BE accountable to your teachers, your parents, to yourself, to your mentor

To someone who can guide you, someone who has been where you want to be [find them]

If you think you have all the answers, everyone will keep quiet and you?ll get lost

Imagine a business where sales records are not kept, where money is just kept anyhow, spent anyhow. What will happen?

What if I tell you are that business? Your life is a business and it?s up to you what you make of it. You?ve only got one life, you have no spare, and does who don?t have spare tires don?t drive rough

Accountants don?t joke with money, neither should you joke with your life living small is so easy, to live large, you need to account for your life.

Accountability will boost your ability and give you stability



I?m not here to brag, but let me let some cats out of the bag:

Pri 2: state TV talking leadership

JSS2: overall best student in a school of over 3,000

SS2: had my O?level results with distinctions & one credit and I represented Oyo state in the National Jets competition which put me on National TV

Part 2: founded a multimedia company

Today: I?ve been nominated for a national honor and I?m on course to win a continental competition. I wouldn?t be here today If I didn?t have results.


Nobody cares what you can do until they see what you have done

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken

"A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience."

For you to relevant on the mainland, your brand must be in demand

Respect iS yours to command, your life is yours to brand

Your brand must be memorably infectous. It must be strongly addictive.

No body faults results



Enough of vain leaders with no vision, enough of young people with no passion. You?re the next powerful brand, the next biggest accountant, the best doctor, bigger than Ben Carson, the worlds finest footballer, finer than Messi, the next greatest writer, greater than Wole Soyinka

Your motherland is in dire need of your brand. Let?s turn Nigeria from a waste land to a wonderland

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