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Capacity Development

by | 24-08-2015 10:12 recommendations 0

Look around you, what can you see? Who can you see?

happy faces, hopeful faces. Today was made possible because someone Inspired decided to help transform lives, someone coordinated the team that put this event together. With a standing ovation, can we pls jam our hands together Dami

Just like all emerging young global leaders, here?s what I found: The things & the tools you need to break away from poverty and create opportunities are not outside you, they are inside you, your job is to unleash them, to bring them out. Let me assure you, you are worth millions of dollars as you are right now

The 5 senses of man include sight/eyes, hear/ear, smell/nose, tongue/taste, skin/touch. What lessons can we learn from these parts of our body we often take for granted?



Some years ago?..indian town where most people walked around with their bare foot except the very wealthy. The first friend said:

one friend saw poverty, the other saw opportunity

Many look, but few truly see

Hellen keller/Cohbams on sight

Beans picking, Santa Claus,

Put on your opportunity glasses, and never put it off



Its not everything you see for yourself, certain things are told to you. And even when you see, hearing becomes more important

The reason why you have two ears and one mouth is so hear twice as much as you speak

In the 70?s, a young Harvard undergraduate who had a deep passion for computers heard about the invention of the micro-processor. During that time, computers were as big as a building, since the processor was the biggest component of the computer, He then correctly predicted that micro-processors would shrink the size of computers, making them as small as the laptops we now know. These portable computers have to run on something, an operating system, right? So He founded the first software company and became the world?s richest man less than 20 years later. Maybe you?ve heard about him, His name is Bill Gates.

. So who/what do you listen to? There are 4 categories of friends: + - x /

One message can change your life forever question is, what are you going to do about it



It is easy to see opportunities, easy to hear opportunities but smelling them? It takes someone committed to developing capacity. It takes a RAT. What do RATs do? Running And Thinking. Rats can smell food a mile away and they use each nose independently. They cant see it, they cant hear it, but they know its there. How do you know a restaurant is in a place?

So what can we learn from the RATS?

A young Nigerian, let?s call him Jimoh, started taking an interest in taxes, He knew several multinational companies were not paying taxes and that the government was losing money. The FIRS was grossly inactive. So what did Jimoh do? HE smelt an opportunity: what If He could convince those big companies to pay their tax? Would the government give him a cut/a slice out of it? He proposed to the government, the government agreed eagerly, expecting him to fail. He succeeded. The rest is history. Maybe you?ve sniffed out his other name, He?s Jimoh Ibrahim. and He is a billionaire

If it?s a perennial problem, its not going to be solved by seeing or by hearing, its going to be solved by sniffing it out.



Have you ever tried licking hot stew, eating hot meat or sipping hot tea? In all cases, what happened to your tongue? How did you feel? What did you do?

Life is like your tongue. Sometimes it tastes great, sometimes, it tastes so sour you want to vomit, other times its just there. With every taste, comes a lesson, and with every lesson comes a blessing

Let me shock you: of the 100 richest people on earth today, 36 are children of poor parents, 18 have no college degree. Yet they didn?t find excuses. So tell me, what?s your excuse? Being black [Obama: black man in a white house], poor [, born a Nigerian, You?ve lost a part of your body [Hellen Keller: blind poet, statewoman, friend to presidents, Cohbams: blind music producer, produces for Asa, Roof-top MC?s e.t.c, you?re not smart enough [take a good look at Jonathan and tell me He is smart. How many CEO?s are shy and boring? blah blah blah

your life?s experiences are your lessons, learning the experiences of others rapidly increases your growth

until you take responsibility for your life, you remain a statistic

it is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you use it, how you interpret & act on it.



At this stage, I?m going to give out a recharge card of N200: I?ll announce, the first person to join me on this stage will get a recharge card. If you try, you may fail or you may succeed, if you don?t try you will never know.

You can read all the books in the world, attend all the seminars in the world, meet all the smartest people in the world, think up the smartest thoughts in the world, if you do not act on all that information, you will never touch your future, that car, that house, that business

No one will hand you the car keys, the promotion, the business deal, the new office, your girl friend?you have to reach out to take it.

in real life, touching connects you to the physical world. After you?ve engaged your other senses, the last thing you do, usually, is to touch.

In CD, touching is the way you act

Stop sitting down, DO SOMETHING.

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