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Farmers(The Saviours)

by | 23-09-2015 14:18 recommendations 0

In india,263 milion people are engaged in farming as per the report of the census 2011.It means almost 1/4th of the population in india are farmers.Still the farmers of india are not given proper care by the government.Although government has brought some policies for them but that is not enough.Indian farmers have to face sometimes drought then sometimes flood.Since indian farmers are poor,they take loans from the money lenders at a high interest and when their crops get perish they are not able to pay debt and so to pay one debt they take another one from banks and due to this they are becoming more and more poor.If sometimes their production are high then it is purchased at a very low rate by the government.I find it humourous that we can live without cigarrates and wine but their manufactures are millioners but we can't live without food then our farmers are poor.This must be changed.
Our farmers

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  • says :
    Thanks :)
    Posted 03-01-2016 14:16

  • Luh Putu Budiarti says :
    I like this post. Because we must support farmers :)
    Posted 17-12-2015 19:42

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