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World Report View

Changing Life style

by | 04-10-2015 15:49 recommendations 0

Nature is like a god to us because it gives us fresh air to breath and other basic necessity like shelter, foods and cloths. Nature is home to all living beings. We cannot change our world but we should change our ways of thinking. In order to get bigger changes we should start with least one like being mindful about our own trash. I must say I am a good 'picker' because I pick up trash on my way to school, home and everywhere because I care about all living beings. I always wonder the plastics laying on the open air might take by my cattle and cause them sick. So, we should change our way of thinking towards environment and all living beings. Save Animals.
My Calf at my village Animals are also like us human being

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  • says :
    Yes! Luh Putu we should take care of our mother earth.
    Thank you so much
    Posted 22-12-2015 19:47

  • Luh Putu Budiarti says :
    I like your activities Namgay. Youth must to take care for Earth :)
    Posted 17-12-2015 20:02

  • says :
    lovely pics and nice report :)
    Posted 28-10-2015 18:03

  • says :
    So lovely to see your pics. Hope the readers would take these lessons and pass on to the society.
    Posted 25-10-2015 14:08

Eco Generation

  • says :
    Thank You Bindu And Ana Thinley. I will try to update everyday. :)
    My calf's name is baby and she is four months old
    Posted 09-10-2015 19:12

  • says :
    Dear Namgay,
    I am really happy to see you participating in this program from the very young age. Please keep on working to save biodiversity.

    Posted 08-10-2015 12:31

  • says :
    So glad to hear that you are a good picker dear Namgay :)
    Of course, Nature is God. I really loved your picture with a calf :)
    Keep sharing dear!
    Posted 08-10-2015 11:26

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