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solar power

by | 05-11-2015 12:41 recommendations 0

Ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE), India, has proposed scheme plans setting up 25 solar parks, each with a capacity of 500 to 1000 MW in the next 5 years thereby targeting around 20000 MW of solar power installed capacity. These solar parks will be put in place in a span of 5 years and the solar projects may then come up as per demand and interest shown by developers.

And these solar power projects can be set up anywhere in the country, however the scattering of solar power projects leads to higher project cost per MW and higher transmission losses. Individual projects of smaller capacity incur significant expenses in site development, drawing separate transmission lines to nearest substation, procuring water and in creation of other necessary infrastructure. Also it takes a long time for project developers to acquire land, get change of land use and various permissions, etc. which delays the project

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  • says :
    Thanks for the information!
    Posted 12-11-2015 06:30

  • says :
    Posted 09-11-2015 20:51

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