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Status of Bhutan (my first article)

by | 12-11-2015 10:43 recommendations 0

Bhutan is a small and landlocked country, situated between China and India with a total land of 38,394sq.km, where 70.5% of total land is covered with forests and the total population is of 745,153 as per the Statistical Yearbook of Bhutan 2014. Bhutan is considered as carbon neutral country. Currently, the country's carbon emissions rate is a negligible of 0.8 metric tons per capita, according to the World Bank. Bhutan is not only a carbon neutral it's also a carbon sinker. According to recent figures, the country emits around 1.5 million tonnes of carbon annually, while its forests absorb over 6 million tonnes. The conservation and the sustainable environments are one of the pillars of'Gross National Happiness', a country's vision and mission towards the developmental goal and sustainable development. A country believes that Gross National Happiness with four pillars, the sustainable and socio-economic development, preservation and promotion of culture, conservation and sustainable environment management and good governance is more important than 'Gross National Product'. In article five of the 'The constitution of The Kingdom of Bhutan' it's learly mention that 'The Government shall ensure that, in order to conserve the country's natural resources and to prevent degradation of the ecosystem, a minimum of sixty percent of Bhutan's total land shall be maintained under forest cover for all time.' However, with the drastic growth in developmental activities, increasing the number of population, changing lifestyle, industrialization, urbanization and people's attitude, the pressure on the environment has become one of the major concerns in a Country. Bhutan being rugged and mountainous country, are most vulnerable to natural calamities like GOLF (Glacial Lake Outbursts Flood), flash flood and landslide. The 80% of country's population make a living by depending on agriculture products. Besides being carbon neutral country, there are many messages from the global climate change. There is a huge fluctuation in temperature and the changes in duration of seasonal. Bhutan has experienced severe Glacial Lake Outburst floods in past 1960, 1994 and 2009, recently on Sunday 28th June 2015. Recently there was heavy rainfall in the eastern part of the country which causes a flash flood and has caused huge damage to people's and government properties. The impacts of the climate change are immeasurable and it is happening in every corner of the world, either smallest or the largest.  
Man-nature relationship ( Photo courtesy , unknown)

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Dear Aabha,
    Thank so much and You are most Welcome to Bhutan dear..
    Posted 06-01-2016 19:21

  • says :
    Good to know about BHutan and its every aspects. Good reporting )
    Posted 16-11-2015 11:51

  • says :
    Thank you very much, Rohan.
    Posted 14-11-2015 17:11

  • says :
    Dear Joshua,
    Yes, Bhutan is doing great as of now under the dynamic leader of Kingship, but as the country face to developing activities, the wastes disposals and rapid increase of vehicles are some of the challenges that the country is undergoing.
    Thank you for your comment
    Posted 14-11-2015 17:10

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks for introducing Bthtan to us & welcome Thinley.
    Posted 14-11-2015 16:10

  • says :
    I think Bhutan is doing great as well as many countries which are now developing. I hope they develop sustainable. Thanks for sharing
    Posted 13-11-2015 18:01

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