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World Report View


by | 21-11-2015 15:10 recommendations 0

Being a co-ordinator of COP in My City Bhairahawa, I organized ?Sensitization on Climate Change? as a mobilization/action project to orient the school children on climate change issues, causes, impacts and ways for its mitigation & adaptation in collaboration with CliMates and Network of Youth for Environment(YEN). The program was organized at Jayces Boarding High School, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi, Nepal.

The objective of the program was to make the school children aware about different climate change issues and motivate them to take actions to mitigate the impacts. The orientation was provided to the secondary level students of the school. Around 150 students from different geographical, religious and social backgrounds were directly benefited from the program.

The program was started by sharing the objectives of the project and I delivered presentation about the national and global scenario of climate change and negotiations for fighting climate change issues. Highlighting  about the Conference of Parties and the role of youths in such negotiations,  I shared  examples of school students leading some great movements for change through their small actions. Some video presentation was also made to encourage and motivate students for realizing their responsibility and taking action.

Mr. Krishna Neupane, Vice President of YEN presented on introduction to Climate Change. During his presentation, he shared about the basics of climate change, causes of climate change and its impacts on our environment & agriculture. The presentation was focused on the role of students for taking actions to mitigate impacts of climate change.

The program was successful in equipping the students with sound understanding on the matters related to changing climate and the international-national negotiations happening across the globe. The program also provided a platform to participants where the school children have shared their experience and understanding about climate change in their own area and they made commitments to take at least one action to address the climate change issues.

Presenting about the climate change to school students

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