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Peoples climate march

by | 23-11-2015 17:05 recommendations 0

Climate Change is one of the burning global agenda in the modern day world. The scientific community of the world unanimously has come to the consensus that climate change is a reality and is directly attributed to anthropogenic activity. Though the effect of climate change is not limited to any political or geographical boundary, the cause of climate change however is linked with the emissions of greenhouse gasses in the name of economic development.

In order to address climate change, global leaders are gathering in Paris for the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) from 30th November, 2015 to 11th December, 2015 to come up with a comprehensive document. The representatives from Government of Nepal, various NGOs and civil society will be taking part in this conference to put forward various national issues regarding climate change.

To show the government of the various nations that the general people are keeping a vigilant eye on them, People?s Climate March is being organized in various parts of the world on either 28th or 29th November, 2015. In tandem to global march, youths of Nepal too will be organizing People?s Climate March - Nepal with the core theme of Climate Justice.

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  • says :
    Hi Rama, interesting post, thank you. This is Nanda from Indonesia.
    I would like to just share with you a recent article by Thomas L. Friedman on climate change that we may find thought-provoking as well as relevant to your post. Please find it below:


    What do you think? Have a great day!

    Posted 24-11-2015 18:27

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