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10 Hot Tips for an Eco-Friendly Summer Holiday

by | 19-05-2013 02:22 recommendations 0

Going somewhere nice on holiday this year? With a few simple steps, you can make your holiday more eco-friendly than it would usually be. Follow these 10 tips to lessen your impact on the environment and to have a truly green vacation!   

1. Choose a non-stop flight

Planes produce most of their carbon emissions when taking off and landing. Lessen your impact on the environment by booking a direct flight rather than changing planes.

2. Book a green hotel

Loads of hotels are trying to be more eco-friendly these days to attract new guests by reducing their energy consumption and recycling more of their waste. Check what your hotel is doing to help. HotelClub UK is a great place to start.

3. Recycle your litter

Find out what your hotel's recycling policy is and sort your rubbish accordingly. Every hotel should be recycling its empty plastic bottles, tin cans and cardboard, and this is something you can be a part of as well.

4. Pack your own toiletries

Miniature shampoos and soaps are energy-intensive to produce and are often thrown away after a single use. Reduce your impact on the environment by bringing your own full-sized toiletries and using them instead. 

5. Save energy at the hotel

Conserve power in your hotel room by turning off lights when not in use and turning down air-conditioning – even one degree can make a big difference. Switching off the TV at the wall will consume 25% less electricity than leaving it on standby, too.

6. Reuse plastic bottles

If the water's safe to drink, fill up empty plastic bottles with tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only will it save you money it'll create less waste.  

7. Choose eco-friendly transport

Explore the area by bike or on foot instead of taking motorised transport. Public transport like buses and trains are a reasonably environmentally-friendly alternative. Only hire a car or taxi if you really have to. 

8. Shop at farmers' markets

Buy fresh meat, fruit and vegetables from local farmers' markets rather than from the supermarket. That way you can be sure that your food is organic and hasn't travelled halfway around the world to get to you.

9. Buy locally-produced souvenirs

Don't buy products made from endangered animals (you won't be able to get them through customs) and avoid mass-produced souvenirs imported from China. Try to support local artisans by purchasing traditional handicrafts like woven or knitted goods instead.

10. Write your hotel a letter

If you were impressed with your hotel's efforts to be eco-friendly, write them an email or letter saying thank you. That will encourage them to keep up the good work and do even more to be green in the future. More eco-friendly travel tips can be found here.

Happy holidays!


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  • Dormant user
  • recommend


  • says :
    Thanks for the suggestion............................
    Posted 07-06-2013 16:18

  • says :
    Brilliant tips Arushi! Offsetting your carbon emissions and going camping are great ideas.

    I'm not too sure about keeping photos digital printing a few 'hard copies' onto photographic paper is a great way to remember your trip and won't put too much strain on the environment, if you're selective about what you print.

    Have a great day ahead!
    Posted 02-06-2013 23:56

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Very useful tips. My family has been following most of them but it reinforces the concepts after reading them as a detailed list.
    Posted 22-05-2013 14:08

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Offset Carbon Footprints :If you plan to travel a lot during the holidays, offset your carbon emissions with donations. Carbonfund.org has a tab to calculate your full shopping basket and carbon footprint or gift an offset with an eCertificate.
    A camping trip :is fun and everyone knows kids love the attraction of a tent and a night under the stars. Invest in a good-sized family tent and enjoy some quiet time, away from technology and the hubbub of modern life. Camping is the most eco-friendly way to spend your holiday, and kids will never forget it.
    Dont waste paper for album: You can remember your holiday and show off your holiday snaps with ease, without printing them. There are a variety of online photography repositories, which allow you to create private or public albums. Instead of carrying around a bulky photo album to show off your pictures, you can send your friends and family an email with a link to your site. You can also invest in a digital photo frame to show your snaps off in your home.
    Posted 21-05-2013 14:23

  • says :
    Cheers for your feedback guys! It's not as hard as you might think to reduce your carbon footprint on holiday. Let me know if you've got any other useful tips to add!
    Posted 21-05-2013 01:08

  • says :
    thanks for the tips. I promise to follow them during my vacation trip.
    Posted 20-05-2013 13:05

  • says :
    Wow, it's really helping for an eco-friendly trip. I will take them into account for my family trip next month. Thank youuuuuuu :D
    Posted 20-05-2013 09:45

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great article on eco-friendly tips! Thanks for the posting! :)
    Posted 20-05-2013 08:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks and I assure that for last 2 years I have been following most of these (as much as possible and available).
    Posted 19-05-2013 13:21

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