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Ones role in food securitymore from agriculture

by | 05-06-2013 17:09 recommendations 0

Ones role in Food Security


I was attending a marriage function, there was full arrangements  of food to eat, anything you wish to have are almost available. People are taking piles of every items available and the process of letting the food uneaten in the plate was in progress. Till the end almost half of the prepared food was thrown uneaten. At the same time I was able to see helpless, orphans and street children who looks of  having no food for several days were roaming around the function with their hungry eyes and watery mouth with a hope to have some food. But they were forbidden to enter the function because it was called for so called higher standard family. It makes me feel awkward. A war ran in my mind. A war to prove humanitarian in we human. I waited till the function ends, thereafter I asked with the function organizer to distribute those uneaten food for the helpless/orphans/street children who were there from the beginning with a hope to have a food for their empty stomach. Happily he agreed and  as soon after all the guest departure from the function I called all those 14 faces who were there and let them sit for the delicious food. It was so heart touching to see them having food being crazy rolling tear from their eyes. It make me feel the value of food and realized me how often one will be happy who is deprived of food get food to eat.

 Likely another data revealed by FAO makes more shattered. It states every year more than 1.3 billion tons of food waste is produced in the world which is equivalent to feed 900 million hungry people,1 in every 7 people go bed with hungry stomach in the world, 1/3rd of all the food produced get wasted in the world per year which cost around $1 trillion (FAO). Nepal is ranked  79th position out of 105 countries in Global food security index 2012 which was observed based on 3 global parameters: affordability, availability and quality and safety. 2 out of 3 Nepali suffer from food insecurity every year and the rate is pacing in rural areas. This scenario has created a real challenge, who will feed Nepal's population which is estimated to become 47.8 million by 2050, is another traumatizing facts which enforced us to think about food security. After knowing all these facts it makes me recognize the cost I have added to food security by throwing food, by letting piles of food on my plate after lunch or dinner, letting food to remain till its expiry date without eating and threw it. But now I am the part on the movement, I am committed to doing everything in my power to transition the world to a sustainable future. I am a change maker, an innovator and I will do for the food security of the future.

Farmers believe that everyday should be for the environment because we depend on the environment to produce the food the world demands. We need good plants, good soil and good weather. Without a good environment we are helpless. IFAD has stated that GDP growth generated by agriculture is up to four times more effective in reducing poverty than growth generated by other sectors. It has cleared that agriculture can be best alternative for the development, a sustainable development addressing both the economic growth and food availability among the people. Food security  exist when all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for active and healthy life (FAO). To have sufficient food at the time of need we must have good agricultural production. In context of Nepal where more than 65.5% people are engaged in agriculture contribute just of 35.61% GDP (AICC, Nepal 2012/13) letting 1800 youths fly for overseas employment per day(TIA, Nepal) and 2 out of 3 people being the victim of food insecurity every year. The situation is so tragic that if no steps are under taken at the movement we will bear great famine and economic crisis. Being agriculturist to address the ongoing food security we can have awareness campaign for Change in food habit and thinking, it makes people aware only rice is not the staple food, maize and wheat are also the best alternatives, if rice lack then we should not worry for what to eat we could try for maize and wheat. Similarly Production according to favorable soil and climate, it help to choose the perfect plantation crop that grows well in the selected region with higher yields. Likely, about  Farming on Lease could be aware among the people so that the unutilized and barren  land can come into cultivation. Communication and interaction among Producer, Retailer and Consumer helps everyone to know about the current demand and supply of the production and estimation by the producer and retailer will be made easy so that no food get waste. Establishment of Modern store house and cold store technology helps to keep vegetable, fruits and other cereals and legumes for the future use without its degradation and decay. And being a human we could think before we shop, we could shop only for the necessities  so that we could consume them full devoid of any waste. Last but not the least, people residing in the hills and mountains where production of food is less, they should be able to get food supply in time and in adequate amount meeting their needs. For this we may study market and consumers status over there and the possibility to have food secured for long duration in the given environment situation.

We must be rational enough to think all the possibilities that we can contribute to reduce foot print.  We youth could do lot for the food security, as in the example stated above in beginning we could try from our side at our locality to stop all those wasted food, like wise we could have lots of food wasted in many festivals celebrated, so it's our responsibilities to knowledge our family cum society to stop and let the food security established. We all need clean, green and food secured planet, it is in our hand, taking in mind "I am the only person responsible for my behavior" and bringing change from within us we could do good. To reduce our foot step in food waste we have to think before we eat so that we can save for other hungry stomach.

If not we then who???

So think before you eat and help save our environment.

#World Environment Day 2013.


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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 12:14

  • says :
    I too agree .
    Posted 26-06-2013 01:41

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I agree...Anish.....very true
    Posted 13-06-2013 16:53

  • says :
    I agree with you Anish, It's sad, but true.
    Posted 11-06-2013 09:30

  • says :
    So true.. Anish
    Posted 06-06-2013 19:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 06-06-2013 06:19

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