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Earth Hour Activity- Better late than never

by Aaditya Singh | 07-06-2013 17:30 recommendations 0

I have recently become a member of this forum. So I want to share with all of you some of my activities before I joined the Forum. So here comes my Earth hour plan that continues even now on many weekends.

Earth Hour 2013

On 23rd March 2013, from 8:30 to 9:30pm, UAE residents joined millions world over, to observe Earth Hour, the worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and appliances for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. As per records of the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Earth Hour 2013 in Dubai saved 200,000 kilowatts of power and 120 tons of carbon emissions. But was that really the key idea behind Earth Hour? No, Earth Hour is not about how much electricity we can save in one hour, though it would be interesting to estimate these numbers, if we extend this effort beyond that one Hour.  The true !==!--object--==ive of this event is to catch people's attention, to raise consciousness about consequences of depletion of non renewable resources and to promote conservation of energy. It may turn the cities dark for an hour but it's a bright idea to remind us that unless we act now, the darkness may engulf our future.


Many lantern or candle-lit events were organised all over Dubai and other parts of UAE, including walkathons, Table Tennis with glow-in-the-dark balls, Art from Scrap' competitions, Yoga & Aerobics in outdoor venues, 'Open air Music & Dance performances, Drawing and Photography competitions... The list was endless and each event more innovative and interesting than the other. It was difficult to chose among the various options available. I felt like I was in a Restaurant with a vast menu, not able to decide what to select! So what did I do? I thought of doing something different. Joining any of those fun filled events would have meant using some more resources for travelling to and fro to the venues and I did not want to do that. I planned with my friends, neighbors and family to go for a small eco picnic. At 7pm, a chirpy twelve strong group of children and adults set out from our residential building. Every single light and appliance switch was switched off at our respective homes, even the refrigerators! We had made sure that the fridge was emptied over the last two days and cleaned that evening before we left our homes. Armed with our sports equipments, we left behind our pitch dark homes and took a twenty minute long trip to the Dubai Creek. The older children including me took our bicycles while the adults were on foot, one little one in her human power propelled stroller and a small kid (lucky fellow!) on his Dad's shoulders! The March weather in Dubai was more than pleasant as the summer had not yet set in. The air conditioners at home were no match for the cool fresh breeze that welcomed us at the waterfront. Once at the creek side, we had a gala time, playing cricket and badminton. We cycled and skateboarded racing around the creek. Too busy with our activities, suddenly we realised that it was 8:30pm, when we saw parts of many buildings around us go dark, their silhouette merging with the night sky. The Earth hour had started, though for us it had started more than an hour ago! My mother in the meantime had walked to a nearby supermarket and bought some bananas and grapes. It was going to be an eco friendly healthy dinner as well! Tired, we collapsed on the grass lawns, devouring the fruits. I had to admit that the dinner tasted better than the burgers that I love so much! After the meal, we just lazed on the grass, singing, playing dumb charades and relaxing. It seemed too soon, when we felt the light suddenly go up around us as lights that has been off for the last one hour started turning on around us. Was this the end of the Earth Hour? No chance... Not for us at least. We lingered around for another hour or so and then strolled back home, having spent four hours without taxing our power supply. On the way back we had to pick up the food items to restock the fridge!


We had had a great time and it did not just end there. We observe Earth Hour every now and then! Earth Hour outing has become a regular and favorite past time for us now! I aim to add more friends and families from the neighborhood. It is not about simply switching off and walking back to the ancient times, or living in the dark or saying goodbye to our useful appliances or gadgets. It is about judicious use of resources. It is about ensuring that we do not waste just because we can afford. Earth Hour does not need to be celebrated, it should be a part of our lives, as much as breathing or eating or drinking. We should not have to plan or think about it. Every Earth moment of 24 Earth hours a day and 365 Earth days an year, we must not only lead a sustainable lifestyle ourselves but also spread awareness around us. We will be doing ourselves a great favor and saving the Earth to be enjoyed by the future generations... And for immediate gains, there will be a saving in the Utility Bills too!!!


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


  • says :
    Thanks for sharing .
    Posted 26-06-2013 01:17

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    thanx for sharing Aditya
    Posted 13-06-2013 16:28

  • says :
    It's a great initiative! Thank you for the introduction :)
    Posted 11-06-2013 08:56

  • says :
    I'm also celebrating Earth Hour in Dubai for past 2 years. Lets' spread it across the world.
    Posted 08-06-2013 01:10

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 07-06-2013 19:36

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing the Earth Hour activities in detail.
    Posted 07-06-2013 18:07

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