The three day Young Environmentalist Conference 2016 held on Kathamndu, 29, 30 and 31 Jan 2016 regarding climate change , activities, role and responsibility of Government and INGO and NGO and YOUTH. Organized by Sano Sansar Initiative, Supported by: WWF, ICIMOD, NTNC.
Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of year. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Its impacts are clearly visible in vegetation, hydrology, productivity and entire ecosystem services. A range of recent studies shows that Nepal is highly vulnerable to the potential negative impacts of climate change (Regmi & Poudyal, 2009). Nepal?s share in climate change is negligibly small. The population of Nepal is less than 0.4% of the world population and is responsible for only about 0.025% of annual greenhouse gas emissions (NAPAMOE, 2010). Though Nepal is the 4th most vulnerable country regarding climate change as mentioned by climate change vulnerability index (CCVI) (Global risks advisory firm Maple croft 2010).The beginning of every action is the knowledge and information input to the subject matter. Knowledge is power. The three day Young Environmentalist Conference was also based on the same baseline.
Day 1
As first speaker to start the session Prof. Dr Madan Koirala (Assistant Dean, Dept. of Science and Technology, Tribhuwan University) highlighted academic importance and incorporation of climate change in the course manual of the education system to aware the youth on the trend of climate issues it?s coping factor and mitigating measures was a very innovation method to act upon climate change. He focused on the interactive interaction rather than power point monotonous presentation which was very fascinating. Joining him as second speaker Mr. Naresh Sharma (Ministry of Environment Science and Technology) talked on National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and aware us about the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) and Local Adaptation Program of Action (LAPA) and LAPA+. He informed 80% investment will be done to formulate action against climate change through Climate finance adaptation fund board. I n which 59 VDC and 100 Local development activities will be done.
Moreover, the third speaker, Mr. Manish Raj Pandey (Senior Consultant, NTNC) informed about incorporating Climate change adaptation plan into protected area management through Ecosystem based adaptation (EBA) and Community based adaptation (CBA).He also talked about the Manaslu climate smartening and its management plan. Last but not the least, Mr Ramesh Bhusal (Country Coordinator, Earth Journalism Nepal) introduced about the Climate advocacy from late 1930?s. For the first time I know was mindful that our Himalayan region is called the third pole as the third largest mass of ice present here. He also elaborated on the COP 21 that occurred in Paris, its significance that party countries to minimize the global temperature by 1.5? or well below 2?. Allocation of 100 billion dollar to developing countries to combat climate change and review period on 2025.
Day 2
Furthermore, The Day 2 session starts with Speaker Mr. Yugan Manandar (WWF). He informed about the activities conducting by to monitor climate change. it?s adapting activities for resilient society. Fresh water ecology and its functionality and its role in environment and climate. Adding the inputs Second Speaker Miss Iris Leikanger (ICIMOD) talked the activities ICIMOD conducting at Hindu Kush Himalaya. She also elaborated Himalayan Climate change adaptation program (HICAP) program for resilient mountain communities. An example of Kavre district was pictured where 14 VDC were encouraged to utilize bio fertilizers for agricultural activities. She informed about the possible impacts that may occur in Indus, Mekong, Koshi river basins due to climate change. The Day 2 session, third speaker representing NRCS Miss Binita Dhungel (Member NRCS Disaster Management) informed about the climate adaptation framework, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) of NRCS.
Day 3
The third day of the conference was full of surprise. All participants where designated into team which were termed very environmental and contextual like, Simsar, Rhino, Indreni, Panda etc. Each group were assigned to develop and practical, implementable plan of action to mitigate climate change in nationally or locally. Many groups were focused into Solid waste management, eco bricks, Agro based and so on. We were also not apart from it. Our project title was ?Community based Solid Waste Management in newly declared municipality of Nepal.? Which was the integration of knowledge of our team members, Upama Poudel, Lalita Acharya, Rasmila Adhikari, Gaurab Bhattari, Shreeja Tuladhar and Me Abhishek Bajracharya.
Solid waste is one of the major components of the Greenhouse gases. Our objective and conceptual framework was simple, it was to survey the waste generation (baseline study), information dissemination and realization (segregation technique, pamphlets and school program), waste collection (local organization), composting, using 5R principle (waste vendors. But the idea is to habituate the new municipal residents to manage their waste locally by themselves. If it not done then the situation of the newly formed municipalities will be no different than our major metropolitan cities, unmanaged mountain of waste, polluted. With this concept the project was presented among the other members, focusing ourselves as solid waste producers and to change our habit and attitude from the very day to minimize waste and save our mother earth.
So i would like to ask to this group also:
I raise my hand as I am one of the reason for the solid waste contributor. So let these raised hand tend to minimize the waste and 'Let say In one single voice, I raised my hand because i am one of the solid waste less emitter.
Posted 24-02-2016 03:03
@Patricia: Yes it was successful and we are hopeful that such programs , gathering of youth for climate action will continue in future as well for climate justice.
Posted 24-02-2016 03:01
@Syed: Yes this program was very fruitful to raise awareness because a Student from Management background was unaware about the climate change. She was very sensitized and committed to take action for climate justice and participate in actions taken against climate change.
Posted 24-02-2016 02:58
@Kamaldeen: Your Most welcome
Posted 24-02-2016 02:54
@So Yeon Kim: Yes it was a very delightful experience. Making everyone realizing that We each individual were the contributors of Solid Waste during the presentation of our project proposal.
Posted 24-02-2016 02:54
@Joshua: Yes there will be a positive impact, because the idea that everyone shared was basedon the academics background of each participants.
Posted 24-02-2016 02:52
I agree with Syed, seems like a very successful conference. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. Lovely pictures there and I bet it was a wonderful experience.
Posted 23-02-2016 00:42
Seems like a very successful conference. These programs are very effective in raising awareness. I hope such programs are also organized in the future.
Posted 21-02-2016 20:40
I can't be prouder! Thanks for sharing what you did during the conference.
Posted 21-02-2016 16:05
Wow! that's great I believe you had a wonderful experience !
Posted 20-02-2016 20:42
Interesting. I look forward to fruitful impacts following the conference
Posted 20-02-2016 20:32