The Youths input in Positioning for a Sustainable Future |
The reduction of greenhouse gases is an exigent necessity for environmental sustainability in Africa and the cosmic world. Several alternative sources of energy like biofuel, solar and wind are now being considered as top choices capable of supplanting the use of fossil fuel and biomass resources (charcoal and wood). The recurring challenge of oil spillage flared gas and water pollution particularly in the petroleum producing countries like Nigeria, Russia, and Saudi Arabia is a predicament that affects easy accessibility to hygienic water and the extinction of aquatic lives. Wood and charcoal for cooking still at its peak in developing nations releasing fumes which are perilous to mostly women and children health since they are the ones that spend more time in the kitchen, and the procurement of wood has led to massive deforestation, erosion and hurricane mudslides. All these problems need quick actions in solving them but who will? Is it the older generations or the youths of today? Is high time we discard the slogan? Youths are the leaders of tomorrow? because the more we wait for tomorrow, the more epidemic the environment will be. As youths, we should focus on what we can do to our environment today for the benefits of the future generation. Some of the things the youths can do to their environment include: Vision: This is the most important because, without it, there won?t be a drive or an alacrity in achieving mission statements and goals. The youths should envision how they want their environment to be in the next 5 years or decade. For me, I envisioned a country, continent and world that will be environmental friendly. People will have healthy lives and basic amenities for their sustainability children will grow and be taught in a safe and enabling environment. This vision spurred a lot of positive things I have done to my community. Team-work: Like the saying goes ?A tree cannot make a forest? so as achieving a dream. An individual can?t solve the whole environmental problems in his/her locality. Youths with vision should share with others and form a team when those with similar vision or mindset accept it. A team is very important in achieving goals because it consists of people with different field of specialization and characters which would aid and motivate each other in other to achieve the target goals. It also brings the spirit of friendship and unity among its members which will affect the community positively. Volunteering: This is the act of giving back to the community with an intention of not getting a stipend in return. It can even involve paying for the service to benefit the people. Youths should be encouraged to go into volunteering because it makes them see how the environment is, how people are suffering and learn and share experience from experts on how to tackle their communities problems. Volunteering brings people from diverse cultures together, this will make youths be tolerative, share knowledge, experience on how to bring sustainable and peaceful environment in the world. Research: Youths should focus on research geared toward environment sustainability with the aim of developing innovative ideas that will tackle the problems in our environment. There are a lot of scholarship opportunities offered by universities, institutes, governments and non-profit organisation to young people who wish to further their studies. Youths can use this medium to focus on their research specialization and work on environmental problems like pollution, wastewater etc.
Great report, Kassim. Reaserch works should focus on providing solutions
Posted 20-02-2016 19:45