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Saving the Planet - Three Easy Steps

by Paisley Hansen | 03-05-2019 08:33 recommendations 0

There are so many pressing environmental issues in the news that it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. It simply isn't true, however, that there is nothing you can do. Here are three easy steps you can take to help the environment.

1. Saving the Oceans - Reduce Single Use Plastic

The amount of plastic found in the ocean is increasing dramatically. Sea turtles, seals, sea lions and other wildlife can easily become entangled in plastic fishing nets and other garbage. Plastic also harms sea life when it is ingested. Many species mistakenly eat plastic, making them feel "full" and causing them to slowly starve from the lack of more nutritious food. More than 700 species of marine life have been reported to become entangled in or to have eaten plastic.

According to one study, it is estimated that the ocean will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. Much of that plastic ends up in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a huge expanse of waste in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California that may be larger than Texas. Not all of the pollution is so visible, however. Tiny pieces of plastic less than five millimeters in length, or microplastics, are the most common form of plastic pollution in the ocean.

Single use plastics such as straws, plastic bags, and water bottles are a leading contributor. It's easy to make small changes in order to reduce your impact and help the ocean. You can stop using straws, bring reusable bags to the grocery store, and make a small investment in a reusable water bottle. You can also participate in beach cleanups, and ensure all of your plastic waste is properly disposed of or recycled. If you have a deeper interest, studying ocean-related issues or participating in marine biology internships is a great way to learn more.

2. Climate Change - Reducing Carbon Pollution

It's impossible to read the news lately without encountering the huge number of impacts from climate change. Aside from the devastating impacts on vulnerable species such as polar bears, climate change has been linked to more severe droughts, more powerful storms, and even increased conflict and migration. Carbon pollution also impacts the oceans. Not only do warmer temperatures make it difficult for some species to survive, but carbon increases the ocean's acidity, making it more difficult for creatures to build their shells by essentially dissolving the shell-building material. It's easy to feel powerless in the face of such massive impacts, but in truth, there are many small actions that you can take. Instead of driving, you can take public transportation, rideshare, bike, or walk. You can also reduce your consumption of beef and dairy products. Project Drawdown has documented no fewer than 100 solutions to help combat climate change.

3. Helping Pollinators - Acting Locally

Again, the speed and scale of environmental change can feel overwhelming. However, some of the problems - and solutions - can literally be found right in our own backyard. Pollinators such as bees and the monarch butterfly are in trouble, due to habitat loss and climate change. Helping these species can be as simple as reducing your use of pesticides and planting a few of the plants that they need. Butterflies such as the monarch require specific "host plants" for their caterpillars to eat. For monarchs, you can plant their host plant, milkweed, as well as other wildflowers that provide nectar for adults. You can find lists of plants to use online or by consulting a local nursery or native plant society.


It simply isn't true that there is nothing you can do to help solve environmental problems. Reducing your use of plastics, reducing carbon emissions, and providing a few meals for local pollinators are all easy ways that you can help the world around you.

Going Green

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  • Dormant user Paisley Hansen
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  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Hello paisley
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Posted 25-03-2020 10:49

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Paisley

    Thanks for your report.

    Green Cheers :)
    Posted 17-06-2019 16:55

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Hello Paisley,
    It feels so good to see that we are extracting good ideas to reduce the environmental pollution and to save our earth.I will try my best to explore this knowledge and also to apply it within my daily life.
    Green Cheers from Nepal:-)
    Posted 09-05-2019 12:30

  • Himani Chand says :
    Wow . It's such a great move to work on. But actually these are the ways most if the environmentalists are always working and making it sure that other follows it too because these are the basics for protecting the mother nature right now rather than spending thousands of millions on other means.
    Posted 08-05-2019 10:05

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello paisley
    These measures are very vital for protecting the environment.
    Thank you so much for this wonderful report.
    Green cheers!
    Posted 04-05-2019 15:01

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