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What Can I Do to Help Reduce Air Pollution?

by Claudiana Sleinx Saheintah Petit Homme | 27-06-2019 01:59 recommendations 1

Air pollution is a subject that concerns us all, whatever our race, our culture, our country. It affect us all from the smallest to the largest, from the poorest to the richest because we share the same atmosphere, we breathe the same air. It is impossible to separate it. Its pollution therefore affects us all and it is up to us to protect it from making it pure for a better life.

Nowadays, many ideas, practices and strategies are proposed for the reduction of air pollution. The air being constituted mainly of gas of which too high proportion causes the pollution. Much of CO2 is produced by man, CH4 produced largely by ruminants, CFC by factories and industries.

To reduce air pollution we propose:

  • Reduction and control off cattle farms. Some animals produce much of the methane. This is the case of the cow that ejects a large amount of methane that is in the atmosphere. To reduce methane in the atmosphere it Is necessary to reduce the cattle production.

  • Transform livestock manure into biogas to produce electricity and propane gas from kilns. Instead of letting the animal droppings pollute the air we can use them for our needs. With biogas obtained from animal waste we can produce electricity and propane gas for cooking.

  • Organic farming. Chemical fertilizers used in agriculture pollute the air from the nitrogen compounds they contain. These nitrogen compounds mix with already polluted air creating particles that get into the lungs and causes breathing difficulties.

  • Planting plants species that purifying virtues.  There are many plants that have the virtues or the power to purify the air around it such as aloe. We therefore propose to everyone to plant all around their house these plants for reduce air pollution.

  • Increase the plant cover. The plant cover helps us fight against air pollution and deforestation. The deforestation is the biggest cause of air pollution because by eliminating the trees we cause air pollution. We encourage planting trees to increase plant cover.

  • Educate children to protect the environment. Good practices start from birth. A good education of children on the protection of the environment is recommended for the protection of the air.

  • Walking and returning with the use of bicycles. Nowadays we use almost more bike yet it is the only way to travel that does not harm the atmosphere and for a good health.

  • Use of renewable energy. We have renewable natural resources such as sun, wind, water that we can use as a source of energy that is not harmful to the atmosphere.

  • Cultivate the lungs of the planet namely photosynthetic phytoplankton. Scientists discovered that the lungs of the planet are phytoplankton because they are able to absorb a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere day and night unlike the plant that absorbs the day and rejects it at night.

  • Use of anti-pollutant filter in cars and factory chimneys.The filter prevents the escape of gases into the atmosphere by retaining them.

  • Ecological air conditioning. An air conditioner can release refrigerants CFC and HCFC that are responsible for increasing these gases. Therefore we can use ecological air conditioners. 

  • Recycling. Plastics are difficult to degrade and pollute the environment so we can recycle them for our use. Like plastic garbage for example.

  • Use of biodegradable. Most of our waste is difficult to degrade especially plastic waste. We can therefore replace our plastic packaging by vegetable packaging for example.

  • Put infrastructure. Infrastructure allows us to reduce the amount of dust from the atmosphere from the ground.

  • Carpool. To reduce the amount of gas produced by cars, we can use public transportation.

  • Use electric vehicles. We can also replace our cars that emit CO2 by electric cars.

  • Put vehicles under control car maintenance. When cars are poorly maintenance they pollute the air accordingly. It is therefore necessary to ensure the maintenance of cars.

  • Inserts in open fireplaces. The inserts reduce the polluting gases produced by the chimneys.

  • Eliminate the use of pesticides and practice biological control against insect pests because pesticides are major pollutants of the air.

  • Do not smoking because smoke from cigarettes pollutes the air.

  • Use crop waste as compost instead of burning it.

  • Global waste management.

  • Carbon sequestration from the air. It is possible to sequester carbon from the air and store it in the soil.

  • Use of technique to imitate dusting by sand quarries by example.

  • Control of chemical industries as these industries emit a lot of chemical into the air that pollutes it.

The air belongs to us, protect it!

electricity from biogas

I walking

Organic agriculture

vegetable packaging

cooking from biogas

renewable energy


I walk instead of taking the car

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  • Dormant user Claudiana Sleinx Saheintah Petit Homme
  • recommend


  • Eco Generation says :
    Thank you for your participation in the monthly event!
    Posted 02-07-2019 10:11

  • Claudiana Sleinx Saheintah Petit Homme says :
    Hello Kushal

    Thank you so much! Your words are really encouraging.
    It is with great pleasure that I participate. I work a lot more and I want to do better for next time.

    Posted 30-06-2019 03:44

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Claudiana

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about participation in monthly event and ways to reduce air pollution our actions in daily life

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 29-06-2019 14:24

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