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Slow poisoning of India

by Prashamsa Bhusal | 20-08-2019 16:39 recommendations 0

A great weakness may be food when we are watering our mouth to eat delicious food,we aren't even thinking that we are ingesting harmful chemicals from the pesticides that are sprayed onto it.If we talk about India,pesticides are used indiscriminately and unevenly in the land of ecosystem of India.Farmers use the chemicals carelessly and sometimes they use the wrong chemicals while other overuse.Crops are harvested at the spring so that the hazard level of pesticide is seen in Tomato,Cabbage,Cauliflower and lady's finger.Harmful fungicide are used to ripen the fruits.Whitish and fresh cauliflower which are seen in the market are because of use of pesticides.Cauliflower in pale yellow color are the real ones which are not affected by pesticides.Pesticides has become the burning issue of not only India but also whole world. It can lead to dangerous disease from the residues such as cancer,genetic defects,mental retardation.Slow poisoning of India is threating everyone.Government study shows that it was caused by the aerial spraying of endosulfine which is deadly pesticide.Endosulphine hang on long into the plant after it has been spread.Pest destroy crops about 15 billion rupees in India.Farmers use pesticides to kill them and use it in excessive amount thinking that it will be more effective.But study has shown that about only 10% is sufficient to hit the pesticides.Various applications should be used so that the use can be mitigate and people should be encourages to apply biopesticide instead of pesticides.This can be more helpful for the sustaining ecosystem.

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  • Dormant user Prashamsa Bhusal
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  • Hema Sapkota says :
    Hello prashamsa
    I hope you are doing well!
    Nice report
    Keep writing
    Thank you so much for this report!

    Looking forward to reading some more reports.
    Green cheers!

    Best regards
    Posted 19-03-2020 11:47

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Hello prashamsa
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report.
    Posted 29-02-2020 21:16

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings prashamsa sis
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    Nice report
    I hope to read more reports from you
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 29-01-2020 12:07

  • Patrick Obumselu says :
    I believe greatly that the country should introduce biological pesticides in her farming system.
    Posted 21-08-2019 04:16

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