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How's river treated in your region in respect to religious point of view?

by Sandeep Tamang | 07-03-2020 20:44 recommendations 0

Hello everyone , I am Sandeep from Nepal . Today my report is based on the rivers flowing in World taking the context of Nepal in Reference.
We all know Nepal is a small country located in Asia. Although being small, it's the second richest country in Water Resources. Nepal being a Religious Country, we Nepalese worship each and every portion of the environment as god/goddess. One of the major believe in Nepal is if we took bath in river with religious believe the people seem to get purified. 
Listening these things you had got queries that whether i am writing about the problems or explaining good things about Nepal as we do in Essays during exam time 😅!  
Though the rivers are believed to be godly form , Why are the religious people making the rivers contagious ? Nature is meant to be such a place where we feel relief and refreshed , but if you visited rivers of Nepal you can see plastics, clothes and lot of non-degradable wastes at the banks . 
It may be rude to say , we feel proud to be human being but we are not being human even a bit ! We are all literate fools who know how to do good , consequences of bad and still do nothing promoting the bad indirectly ! 
Water is the basic component of our life to survive but due to today's condition of water the lifely  component has became a death sector for lots of flora and faunas ! Even we humans are being affected by those things ! We all had read and know that water is colorless but sorry we all proved it wrong ! Go and look by the rivers near your house or google some important rivers of the world you will see them black ! I here by black not only mean the color but also it's personality now ! Black here represents a symbol of death, sufferings and carelessness of humans ! 
People round the world are acting like little children , the excuses they make for cleaning the rivers get on my nerves ! They say , " The respective sector hasn't been active so we are facing these consequence ! Today a teenager guy is asking the world, do we even have to think twice to keep our environment clean ? We are being so digital thhat we are suggesting in comments and acting nothing in real life. We just give sympathy to the sufferers of pollution but never think we did the pollution so we should stop.
 The report seems to go long, if you liked the way I presented, please let me know with your loves in comment section ! Soon will be continuing this post as part II of it's !
River River

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  • Dormant user Sandeep Tamang
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  • Sameer Singh says :
    Hello Sandeep!
    Thank you for the report.
    Posted 28-03-2020 09:53

  • Rachu Khanal says :
    Thanks for report
    Posted 26-03-2020 11:03

  • Susmita Adhikari says :
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 12-03-2020 01:31

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Hello Sandeep,
    I do hope everything is going well..

    Thank you so much for this report !! I really liked the way you presented the current situations of rivers of Nepal due to religious false beliefs..
    Looking forward to your next report..

    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 09-03-2020 01:45

  • Prabha Bhusal says :
    Hello Sandeep,
    Welcome to this elite platform!
    It's true that we Nepalese only give sympathy for something but it's very hard to bring only a little change in our society. Minimizing pollution should be started from our own home.Then only we can reach to national level.
    Anyway,thanks for the meaningful piece of report.
    Prabha Bhusal
    Posted 08-03-2020 12:04

  • Aashutosh Shah says :
    hello Sandeep,
    Thank's for your report.
    Posted 07-03-2020 21:03

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