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Short report about Corona virus

by Pawan Lamichhane | 07-03-2020 23:33 recommendations 0

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. 


Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.


Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.


Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.


It is caused by a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Like other coronaviruses, it has come from animals. Many of those initially infected either worked or frequently shopped in the Huanan seafood wholesale market in the centre of the Chinese city.


The virus can cause pneumonia. Those who have fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and breathing difficulties. In severe cases there can be organ failure. As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics are of no use. The antiviral drugs we have against flu will not work. Recovery depends on the strength of the immune system. Many of those who have died were already in poor health.



So don¡¯t get too panic on Corona virus. Follow the some safety measures as given by WHO.Preventive measures

Source: WHO

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  • Dormant user Pawan Lamichhane
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  • Sameer Singh says :
    Thanks for infromation regarding corona virus.
    Posted 28-03-2020 09:49

  • Rachu Khanal says :
    Thanks for report
    Posted 26-03-2020 10:59

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Hello pawan
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing
    And stay at home stay safe!
    Posted 24-03-2020 10:36

  • Susmita Adhikari says :
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 12-03-2020 01:31

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Greetings Pawan dai,
    I do hope everything is going well..

    Thank yo so much fr sharing this report based on Corona virus which has become one of the burning epidemic killings lots of life and bringing tons of life into threat...
    prevention is better than cure..

    Apply healthy habits, stay safe and healthy..
    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 09-03-2020 01:27

  • Prabha Bhusal says :
    Hello Pawan,
    Welcome to this elite platform.
    CORONA virus has been burning issue of today's world.So we better to stay safe.
    Prevention is better than cure.
    Thanks for your report!Keep on writing!
    Prabha Bhusal
    Posted 08-03-2020 11:59

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Pawan!!
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Hope world will get ride of danger of corona virus soon!
    Stay safe!!
    Posted 08-03-2020 10:07

  • Sandeep Tamang says :
    Nice pawan !
    It is a useful report , thanks !

    Sandeep Tamang
    Posted 08-03-2020 10:05

  • Basanta Pandey says :
    Nice Report on Corona Virus Pawan . We must take precautionary measures to conserve ourselves.
    Posted 08-03-2020 02:02

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Hello Pawan,
    Corona Virus has cause the great threaten amd is spreading so rapidly that concern is very important.
    Stay safe.
    Thank you for this report.
    Green Cheers,
    Posted 08-03-2020 01:45

Prakriti  Ghimire

  • Prakriti Ghimire says :
    Hello pawan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you for your wonderful report
    Keep writing and shining
    Prakriti Ghimire
    Posted 08-03-2020 00:56

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